WTF fumbles!

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This is the year I was most excited about. I've been replaying this chap as a movie in my head over and over, trying to get it right. I do love how this chap turned out.

Also, I'd like to now do what I've wanted to do, since chapter one, and issue a writing challenge. The challenge is simple: write a Tom/Naruto/Harry family unit story. Tom and Naruto could be the couple, or Naruto and Harry, or hell Tom and Harry could be Naruto's sons and Naruto raises them together as cute little murder machines in the leaf village. Naruto does not have to be a girl or a boy, can even be non-binary. The main point is for Tom, Naruto, and Harry to be together in a weird family full of love.

The Zelda movie I mentioned does not exist, I wish it did. but I did hear that a movie is in the works, so I hold out my opinion till I watch it.

Also sorry for taking so long, I finally got a beta reader, and she so so helpful, and inspiring. Plus my GM from my job helped me out so shout out to these people. Also my boyfriend put grammarly on my computer, so that has helped.

This is a part one of four for this year, so many ideas, that it needed to be done this way.


Gaara stared down at the body of his uncle.  He felt numb. His uncle had said he hated him. No one will love him. Hoping for someone to love him will just be a weakness. He raised his uncle's kuni to his forehead, only to be stopped by a voice.

"Well, he was unoriginal."

Gaara looked up to meet Tomū's gaze.

"What?" Gaara crooked out.

Tomū met his gaze with one full of neutrality. "How he tried to kill you was unoriginal. I did better murder attempts when I was five."

Gaara furrowed his brow, "you've killed?"

Tomū looked amused. "I have. I propose a partnership."

Gaara glared at the other boy, "How do I know you won't try to kill me?"

Tomū smirked, "How do I know you won't kill me? We could both kill each other, easily I might add, so we will be useful to each other."


Tomu stepped forward, “We shall be confidants to each other. We will help each other. if a body happens to pop up we will help the other to hide the body.”

“Why would you want to help me?” Garra asked, eyes narrowed.

Now Tomu smiled, one full of nostalgia. “I have a friend, who helped me in my darkest moment. Although,” he added, laughing a bit, “she would have yelled at me for killing someone.”

Garra was confused, “why keep her around? Why not…kill her?”

Tomū gave the boy a contemplative stare, the smile still there as he thought of the blond, “At first I wanted to kill her, but couldn't, then I didn't want to.


Tomū's smile turned sad, “because I grew to love her.”


“Are you sure this will work?” Naruto asked for about the tenth time in half as many minutes.

Tom nodded, mentally reminding himself he could not kill Naruto. He didn't even want to, she was just getting on his nerves, and in the past killing the thing that pissed him off had always been effective. So he forced a neutral tone into his voice. “Of course I am Naruto. I thought it through completely.”

Naruto snorted, “Right sorry, riddle-SAMA. I must still be in a bad mood after SOMEONE hid my book.

“Porn,” Tom said offhandedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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