Photography assignment 📷🎞

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"Shoyo hinata and kei tsukishima I am getting absolutely fed up with all your bickering so therefore I'll be pairing you two up and if you don't get A you will receive detention for a week"said miss.Rei

Her aim wasn't to give them detention for a week , even if they didn't get an A she wouldn't give them a detention they just needed a little something to motivate them into getting to know each other so they could become good friends

"WHAT BUT THA-" Shoyo tried to do something about the situation while kei knew there was no point in arguing

"Oh shush hinata it will all work out trust me sweetheart, class your dismissed homework due next Friday please!

Tsukishima took it upon himself to get Hinatas number of Yamaguchi or they would never get this homework done and the last thing he wanted was detention for a whole ass week with hinata

Hello hinata it's tsukishima

Hey !!

Are you free on Sunday ?

I feel like I'm being asked out on a date 😌 but yeah where do You wanna meet ?

Park at 2 on the dot

2 am or 2 pm

Who the fuck meets up at 2 at night ?

Not a lot of people but I'm just saying it's a possibility


Kei turned off his phone and planned exactly how the day with hinata was going to roll just to be safe and make sure every picture they take is perfect and A+ worthy


"Your 2 minutes and 43 seconds late" Kei said just trying to get under Hinatas skin per usual

"Be quite and shove your 2 minutes and 43 seconds down your gob" Hinata said back to kei

"Well someone's definitely feeling extra feisty today"

After snapping a few pictures Hinata realised he doesn't even know what the photography project was supposed to be on

"Tsukishima what would you say if I theoretically told you I don't what I'm supposed to be taking pictures of ? Keep in mind that this is only theoretical" Hinata said trying to beat around the fact he doesn't have any clue whatsoever

"We'll theoretically I'd call you an absolute idiot then explain to you the project and the fact that it's about humanity and the life of a human being" Kei said knowing full well hinata had no fucking clue what was happening

"so your telling me I just took the most amazing flipping picture of the sky for no godam reason!?"

After about 2 hours of taking pictures of buildings and streets and people and stuff like that hinata gets tired and asks kei if they can go to a cafe

"What does a cafe have to do with humanity and this whole photography homework?" Kei asked

"Well if you think about it very deep people go to cafes everyday and people work at cafes everyday and some people grow up dreaming that they can run a cafe and there's people that designed all these cafes and there's even pep-"

"Okay okay fine just shut up" Kei said not expecting hinata to come up with a whole lecture about cafes

Hinata ordered the biggest drink possible which was a large warm raspberry boba with lychee bubbles he also had a salted caramel muffin while kei had a black coffee and strawberry shortcake , he was also pretty mad that hinata was scoffing down a muffin while it was golden hour and the sky had a gold tint to it reflecting of everything possible that's when kei took a look at shoyo to realise that his hair looked oddly amazing in the sunlight and the sun beamed of his cheeks making his skin look even more clear than it already was

Kei took out his camera and took a couple hundred pictures of shoyo before he realised

"Tsuki stop I look sooo bad on camera trust me" Hinata said while finally realising that he was what kei was taking pictures of and covering his face

"Oh please your literally glowing you golden child , especially in this picture your so . . . Pretty" Kei said while turning the camera to hinata to show him the picture he just took

"Did you just call me pretty?"

"oh shut up just take the compliment and stop harassing me" Kei said

" I appreciate it and trust me your pretty hot yourself" Shoyo said

Kei looked away trying to hide the fact he was extremely flustered

"You know what kei we should do this again sometime but next time I think we should totally meet up at 2 at night trust me I know the prefect spot you can see the whole city and from there" Shoyo said practically asking kei on a date

"okay then what do you think about Wednesday?" Kei said fascinated by every word that came out of shoyo's mouth

"Wednesday 2pm on the dot not a minute early or a minute late" Shoyo said while smiling ear to ear

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬Where stories live. Discover now