Strawberry's and lemons

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"I mean I always knew you were weird but this is next level"Tsukishima said while a seat next to hinata on the gym floor

"Gosh your mean,and don't diss it till you've tried it"Shoyo said while biting into a slice of lemon that was in his lunchbox

Tsukishima scrunched up his nose before rolling his eyes at hinata and then spotting strawberries along with some other fruit in shoyo's lunch box

"You have normal people fruit yet your still eating a lemon?"

"Lemon is a normal people fruit and the strawberries are to sweet and the blueberry's are not blue inside like what's the point of calling them blueberries if there not fully blue ?"Shoyo said while picking up another slice of lemon them biting into it like you would with orange slices

"Strawberries are supposed to be sweet it would be weird if they were sour and don't tell me you only just discovered that the inside of blueberries aren't blue?"

"What Totally not imagine that I always knew they weren't blue inside, now forget about that and eat this" Shoyo said while throwing strawberries Down Tsukishima's throat hoping the overly sweetness would distract from the fact he totally only just found out blueberries aren't blue inside and out

"Gosh your really weird Aren't you"Kei said while wiping the strawberry of his cheek

"Sorry sorry i'm not normally this weird it's just that when your around me I turn extremely giddy and stupid and my stomach feels weird and all that weird stuff I'm sorry"

Tsukishima sat there on the floor from a moment feeling like he was in some sort of trance,does hinata have any idea what he just admitted,is he playing dumb or is he just confused with how to sort his emotions into each category,kei opened his mouth expecting something reasonable to come out but he was taken aback by the words that came out his just as hinata was 

"Hinata, do you want to go out with me sometime, like a date?"

Shoyo's face lit up "really? you wanna go on a date with me ? shoyo hinata"

tsukishima really did want to go out with shoyo i mean who wouldn't hes the embodyment of the word perfection 

"yeah we can do whatever you want and ill buy you as many lemons as you want and ill even try to find you sour strawberry's and blue blueberry's "

"damn you'd really do all that for me,someones obsessed"shoyo said taking the chance to tease  tsukishima since it was a rare opportunity 

"oh, so that's how u want this to be?"kei said while scurrying over to shoyo so he could tickle him knowing shoyo is an absolute suck up when it came to being ticked 

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬Where stories live. Discover now