Fun fair 🎆

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"Oh please the only reason I'm here is because I'm a good boyfriend" Kei said to hinata while him and the rest of the team walked into a fun fair them a little far behind the others tho

"Your so sweet and since your the best Boyfriend ever I'm sure you wouldn't mind going on that ride and oh that one and definitely that one over there !?" Shoyo said while pointing at all of the most terrifying rides he could possibly spot

Tsukishima stood there for a hot minute questioning his life decisions and his capability to stay put and not run straight back out the entrance

"Shoyo for the love of god I love you a lot but that ride will absolutely take my soul and my will to live away"

"I'm kidding I totally know your afraid of heights I'm not gunna make you do anything you don't want to . . . Except go buy a hot drink and candy floss with me that's a must have" Shoyo said while dragging kei to where he spotted candy floss while not far away kageyama and Yamaguchi were spying on them

"You can't tell me there not dating they totally are"Yamaguchi said while hiding behind a kids ride

"I don't think they are maybe there just good friends" kageyama said just deciding to be difficult and go with the opposite of what Yamaguchi was saying

"Yeah because good friends totally hold hands whenever they think no one is watching, right kageyama?"Yamaguchi said while staring daggers into Tobio's head

Kageyama took one good look at Yamaguchi and decided for his safety it would totally be best to agree with him , so he agreed and carried on stalking tsukishima and hinata who were currently trying to win some dinosaur plushy

"Kei your shooting skills are so crap" Shoyo said while leaning against the wall and giggling a bit

"Oh yeah well I don't really practice  shooting a lot smart ass"

"Oh please move over I practise at shooting all the time I could crush any high score and win every plushy here if I wanted to" Shoyo said while shoving kei slightly

"Who have you Been practising shooting on then?"

"there's this game zombie game called house of the dead and I'm a total pro at it just trust me" Shoyo said right before he shot down every can in less than 30 seconds and won the prize before handing it to kei

"Thank you , I admit that was unexpected and pretty awesome of you if I do say so my self" Tsukishima said while giving Shoyo a little hug and kiss on the forehead

"Unexpected? Damn that hurt you should know by now that I'm literally the coolest person to Walk this earth besides you of course " Shoyo said while skipping over to some big ride wanted to go on

After around a hour of going on back to back rides and eating a lot of fries Shoyo sat down for a couple of seconds and before kei knew it he had to carry Shoyo back to his house on his back because he feel asleep in the time he sat down

"Kei what time is it and why am I on your back" shoyo's said still half asleep

"It's around 10 at night and your on my back because you fell asleep"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"No worries you can go back to sleep we're almost back home"

"I love you kei" Shoyo said right before resting his head back on tsukishimas shoulder and falling asleep once again

"I love you to sho"

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬Where stories live. Discover now