Part 1

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Ok, so I watched this the other day and I really loved it so I decided to do this and yeah. This starts as the movie ends. - my username has changed from TommoHoran13 to bingbongeyo

I rushed down to Pendleton say goodbye. I loved him. I f*cking loved Luke. I didn't care that he was going for 6 months. I couldn't leave things as we had. I didn't have a care in the world about getting a speeding ticket. I could see a confused look on Luke's face as to what I was doing. I got out as quick as I could and ran over to him. I got there and paused, taking deep breaths. I hadn't thought this far ahead. I kind of just expected that he'd be gone already.

"Hi." I said, with the biggest smile on my face. I was nervous, shuffling about but Luke kept his usual composure. "Hi." he said, calmly. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. He went to say something but instead diverted his eyes to the floor.

"I heard about the record deal. That's..." he told me, looking back up. "That's really something, Cassie." he continued. "Thank you." I mumbled. I took a deep breath, looking around at the prison officer's, Jake, Hailey, Luke's dad. There was silence expect for the radio chatter from the prison officers and the quiet sound of the leaves rustling in the wind.

"We don't have much time. Do we?" I said, breaking the silence. Luke scoffed lightly. He looked away again. "No. No, we don't." he told me. I took my turn in looking away before speaking. "Ok, uh, then here's what I have to say..." I started. Luke looked at the floor again. I took a deep breath. Luke looked back at me wanting to hear what I had to say.

"We vowed to take care of each other. In sickness and in health and, we did that," I continued but Luke looked away, not wanting to have this conversation and it be the last time before he disappeared for 6 months. He diverted his eyes again, back to the floor.

"And I think this is a real marriage." I told Luke. His eyes darted straight up to mine. "I think this is the realest thing I've ever been in." I added. "Cassie. Cassie." Luke said, trying to interrupt me. "I'm going away for 6 months." he told me. "Well, I wanna wait for you." I exclaimed. Luke didn't know what to say so I took the moment to say my piece.

"And I wanna sleep on the floor with you when it's storming out." I started, taking a deep breath trying not to cry. "And I want you to hear my songs first." I said, my voice breaking and tears coming to my eyes. I tried to look a Luke who was looking away at the trees trying to distract himself and not succumb to tears as well.

"And I wanna watch you put on your running shoes, go out running and I wanna be the one you run back to." I told him. He took a deep breath. I could see the tears forming in his eyes. He really didn't want to cry right now.

"Because I love you." I said. Luke paused, looking around, trying his hardest not to cry. There was a war raging in his head. He didn't want to say it back and put me through the next 6 months but at the same time he wanted nothing more than everything I'd just said and more.

He stared into my eyes trying to decide. He took a deep breath trying to find the words but they didn't come. He took another deep breath and they came.

"I love you, too, Cassie Salazar." he told me. My breathing shuddered. He took his cap off and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I never wanted it to end. I wanted to be in Luke's arms forever. We were in our own world and it was perfect.

The cheers of Hailey and Jake burst our world but brought smiles to our faces. Both me and Luke looked over at them. I then looked back into Luke's eyes. There was a whole ocean there and I never wanted to leave. We giggled at his family's idiocy and enjoyed each other's presence. We enjoyed one last kiss.

He stepped back taking a deep breath. He pulled the ring off his hand and pulled my hand up.

"You take good care of this ring. You hear me?" he said, placing the ring in my open hand and then shutting it. "'Cause it's real now." he continued, not looking away from my eyes. I took a deep breath as the army officer lead him away to the bus. I placed the ring on my finger, just above mine. My breathing was shaky.

As the bus started I ran over to the fencing. "I love you!" I shouted as the bus went through the gate. "You hear that? I love you!" I added. I stood at the fencing and watched the bus get further and further out of sight until I could see it no more.

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