Part 11

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Cassie rolled over, wary not to wake Luke. He'd been out for a run at 3:30am this morning but when he got home he'd gone back to sleep. He'd also been tossing and turning until 12:30am. Cassie doubted that he knew she knew, but she did. It was less than a week until Luke's deployment and it was playing on his mind. In all honesty, it was playing on Cassie's too.

Suddenly a wave of sickness washed over Cassie and she ran to the toilet. She emptied her stomach into the toilet. She hated this. It had happened everyday for the past week now. It had to be the worst bit about being pregnant. She was more than ready for it to be over. Tears fell down her face. She just had to wait it out.

"Hey, hey, shh, it's ok." Luke said, sitting down next to her and rubbing his hand on her back. Cassie leaned against him as he played with her hair, curling round his finger. The couple sat on the strangely comforting cold bathroom floor as they patiently waited. Peaches soon joined them, laying her head on Cassie's legs.

Every time Cassie felt like her stomach was settling and it was the end, it happened again. Luke would hold her hair back and comfort her. He hated seeing her upset and wanted to do all he could to stop it from happening but this time, there was almost nothing that he could do. Throwing up was one of Cassie's favourite things but she doubted anyone even liked it or enjoyed it in the first place.

Luke got up, leaving Cassie confused. She could hear him rattling through the cupboards. He soon returned with a plate of crackers, some water and some pretzels.

"Aren't these supposed to help?" Luke said. Cassie nodded. "Thank you." she said. Then the smell hit her. This was new. She moved away from Luke and leant against the wall. She had heard that some women had strong senses of smell when they were pregnant and smells they usually didn't mind or liked, became rancid.

"Cassie? Are you ok?" Luke asked. Cassie didn't quite know how to tell him. "Do I smell? I know I get sweaty when I go for a run but I didn't think I did." Luke said. She scrunched up her nose, not  wanting to say it. "I think it's the laundry detergent." Cassie told him. Luke pulled his shirt off. "Better?" he asked. Cassie laughed and nodded, leaning back against his side.

"I love you, Commando." Cassie said. "I love you, too, Cassie Salazar." Luke told her.

I'm trying to make these longer but for some parts, I'm finding it really difficult but they should start to get longer! :) Any ideas, put them in the comments!

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