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"For once in my life... I finally felt like I had a family."
"And YOU drove him away..."

Chester stared at him, dumbfounded by what he was hearing.

"What about me? I'm your family!"

Parker simply pushes right past him, heading up the stairs.

"....You just hate seeing me happy."

Chester's eyes widen with fear, a hint of rage flickers within him as well, but he decides not to show it.

"Parker, come back!"

The other doesn't even bother turning around. It always seems to end like this. Parker not giving a shit while blatantly ignoring him.

He wanted to scream out. He wanted to say so much more to him. He had every right to! But something catches in his throat, and all he can muster out is a pitiful, almost whisper...


Of course, Parker is already too far away to hear him. He always leaves before Chester can explain himself.

And it hurts every. damn. time.


Well, it was official! Parker hated his guts. Parker hated absolutely everything about him! He didn't even see him as family anymore!

Chester was hunched over the bathroom sink, gagging on air, quite possibly hyperventilating.

This was it, he was going to be kicked out, wasn't he? Kicked out onto the road like an unwanted animal.

He didn't want to go back to his parent's house. He didn't want to see their faces ever again! He moved far, far away from them for a REASON!

"For once in my life... I finally felt like I had a family."

Parker's words echoed through his head as he continued gasping for air. Was Chester just... never considered to be family in the first place??

No... No, that wasn't true! Chester just had to be at least something towards Parker, right??!

(Perhaps... just a nuisance. Nothing more.)

A sob escapes his throat as he backs up against the bathroom wall, staring at his miserable self in the mirror.

(Fucking idiot, can't do anything right, now can you?)

Nails begin to (unknowingly) dig into his hand. The pain simply just... didn't effect him anymore. His body has been through so much throughout the years....

He didn't even care about the aching in his right arm from when the clone attacked him.

Chester truly hated himself, because what was there to love?

He never got anything right, he always ends up disappointing somebody, he can barely read for shit, (kudos to his mother for never teaching him a goddamn thing.)

The list could go on for infinity....

Now his best friend hated him too.... Took him long enough.
Who was he without Parker? Nobody. He was nothing without that man!

He had fallen in love with the mere image of him years ago. How the hell did he even convince him to be friends, let alone roommates?

Tears rolled down his cheeks as his back slid further down the wall until he reached the floor.

Chester was being tortured by him. Everything that man did, he would follow. Walk into an abandoned house? Yessiree, without a second thought! Try to help a man that literally just assaulted him because there's a girl somewhere that Parker wants to meet? Sure! Why not?

And that was LITERALLY just last week too!

He banged his head against the bathroom wall, sighing as tears finally stopped falling from his ugly face.

Chester was a hopeless man, with a hopeless heart. He had so much to give....

But Parker was never going to acknowledge that part of him.

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