Part 2

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When Itachi woke up the next morning, he felt unsettled. When he looked next to him, Deidara was not there, but he could feel him just outside the house. Surprisingly so did he notice Naruto and Nagato. However, for some reason their chakra was ruffled. He decided to go and see what may have caused this.

"No, why would I train with you, who are you? Where is Tachi? He wouldn't leave me alone with a stranger." Naruto's voice was heard from the inside of the house.

"I already told you, I am your cousin Nagato. Your mother was my cousin. I last saw you when you were just born. I would have come for you sooner if I had the chance. The reason as for the training, you have to get strong so that you would be able to protect yourself better." Nagato tried to explain to his little cousin, but he could see that he was having none of it.

"No, how can I know if you are telling the truth? My own parents abandoned me, I can't trust family, and they will just leave me again." Naruto's voice started to shake near the end.

Deidara, who was watching from the side, rushed to the little blond, picked him up and held him close. Rubbing small circles on his back.

"There, there my little cherub it's okay. Nagato is telling you the truth, you are from a powerful family called the Uzumaki, form your mother's side. Your mothers family is very powerful my little cherub." Deidara tried to make Naruto calm down. For some odd, reason Naruto held on tighter to Deidara. Not sure why but both of them were finding solace in each other.

"You were with Tachi yesterday, do you know him?" Naruto asked him. Deidara was surprised that he would remember him. All he could do was nod his head. Deidara looked at the small six year old and was surprised that he felt so natural in his arms. In addition, he made a promise that he would protect him with all of his heart.

"My name is Deidara, and I promise that both Itachi and I will take care of you my little cherub. Now are you going to try and practice with your cousin again my little cherub?" Deidara asked the little boy.

All he got was a small head nod. Gently placing the boy on the ground Naruto walked closer so that they can start practicing.

Itachi, who was watching this, was stunned because Naruto trusted almost no one, just him and Sasuke. In addition, both brothers had to work very hard to get that trust, but with Deidara, it seems that it was easy; it was as if was second nature. Deidara was cheering his little cherub on from the sidelines and it seemed that it was working for a while.

Itachi could see that Naruto was struggling with the practice, but it was not his place to say anything, so he kept himself in the shadows. When Naruto fell for the last time, he lost his temper.

"I am not training ever again. I can't master this, how do you expect me a little kid to get this?" Naruto yelled at his cousin. He turned around to run, but when he saw Itachi standing in the shadows he ran to him.

"Tachi, I can't do this. Don't make me do this please?" Naruto said with tears in his eyes. Making it almost impossible for Itachi to say no to him. However, for some reason he had to steel his heart at the little boy.

"Squirt, do you want Sasuke to pass you by? He is training as we speak now back at home. I know that you want to become Hokage, but how can you when you can't even train with the simplest of things?" Itachi asked him while trying to look stern. He could actually see the gears running in his head. He hates it when he hears that Sasuke can be better at him. Itachi saw that Naruto steeled his face, wiped the tears and made a fist with his hands.

"Naruto, before you go back to your cousin, please come in and eat breakfast. You are going to need it. That means you two as well. It is getting cold.

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