Part 4

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Everyone just stood and stare at Naruto. They could not believe that he would call her that since he hasn't seen her in quite a while. They were unsure if he would remember her or not. Even though she has been keeping an eye on him since he was little. She has tried to stay away from him since she was never a good mother to her own son, so why would she be any better as a grandmother. Nevertheless, it seemed that he knows who she is.

"Daddy, is that my grandmother?" Naruto looked towards Deidara and tilted his head towards his shoulder and the way he was looking at her, seemed that he has tried to rack his brain to try and remember where he has actually seen her.

"Yes my little Naru, I am your grandmother. Your father Minato, was my son, but due to some unforeseen circumstances he was taken away form me. However, I have been looking for him for a few years; it was not until 6 years ago that I learned that he has passed away. Trying to protect your mother and you. However, in the end it he didn't make it. I am not sure about your mother though. Seeing as she is part of the Uzumaki clan, and we are sort of family seeing as we come from the same father Asura." Tsunade explained.

"Wait, hold up. Are you trying to tell me that Naruto, my adopted son is part of such a prestigious family? That his father, Minato Namikaze THEE Yellow Flash is your son and the descendant of the Otsustuki clan?" Deidara asked with a shocked voice.

"Yes, I thought it was made common knowledge about his lineage. If it hasn't, then the old man and me are gona have some words."

"As far as we can figure out, his lineage has been kept quiet. I don't even know how many people really know who he is. All we know is that he was bullied each time Itachi was sent away. But you have to ask his family if someone looked after him, seeing as his mother and Itachi's mother was best friends."

"Oh, trust me, I will look her up and ask her. If any one in this village had the brains to actually see the potential he has, they would have taken him in and raised him themselves. But seeing as they see him as only the Jinchuriki, and not a little boy, things tend to get out of hand. So I am hoping that it will change now that I am here."

"Uncle Nana, will you show me that trick again?" Naruto asked interrupting their talk. Nagato held his arms out and Naruto jumped into it. Deidara nodded his head while he walked forward to say that he was there to be tested to see if he can get pregnant.

Tsunade took a good look at the blonde young man, he looks somewhat familiar, but it keeps slipping from her. Before a nurse could take him to an exam room, she pulled him toward a room across the way. A young woman stood there waiting, it seems that she is an apprentice of some sort.

"Shizune, I need my equipment. I need to check something. You, sit there and hold out your arm. This will only prick a little."

Seeing as Deidara blows himself up constantly, a little prick on the finger doesn't hurt that bad. But it seemed that Tsunade did a complete body scan, and bloodwork on him. After a few minutes she came back and she had a huge smile on her face.

"So, what is the verdict?"

"Well, you can give Itachi his child, or rather, children. According to this, you are very viable. And also I checked for something else. It seems that you are a long lost cousin of ours. It is difficult for me to figure out right now, but you somehow have Senju blood in you. So, it must have come from my great uncle Tobirama. I am just not sure where your blond hair comes from. But we will figure it out together."

Deidara, just sat there and stared at her. Not really taking in what she is saying, everything else went over his head when she said that he can give his love kids of their own. Everything else went blank for him. Before Tsunade could say anything else, a little blonde blur came racing in.

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