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(bro wtf am I doing😭)

Tubbo's pov:

I woke up pretty dazed, I felt a weight on top of I slowly opened my eyes to see Ranboo lying on top of me. It made me blush-

I didn't forget what happened last night, but I just assumed it was a dream. I've clearly been proven wrong. I began combing my fingers through Ranboo's hair.

The sun shone on his face, making them look even more beautiful...if that's even possible. I was too busy admiring him to notice that he had woken up.

"Good morning bee..." They said groggily. I keep forgetting how deep his voice is in the mornings, it catches me off guard. "Good morning handsome~"

He blushed a deep shade of red. I giggled at how flushed I made him with a simple comment like that. "Aw, did I make my boo flustered~" I teased

He blushed harder, "'s too early for this..." They lifted their head a bit to look at me better, "but why? I enjoy seeing how flustered I can make you!" He rolled his eyes.

"Shut up..." I smiled, "why would I do that?" They were very obviously annoyed. He sat up before getting off me and off the bed, "aw boo, don't leave" I pouted at him.

He just looked at me, they still look pretty tired lol "Im sorry boo, c'mere." I held my arms out, making grabby hands at them.

He walked over and crawled back on top of me, immediately passing out again.

I spent a couple hours rubbing his back or playing with ranboo's hair as they slept. He's so beautiful...especially when the light shines on their face in the mornings. It's just wonderful to look at him.

I don't know what it is about them that I'm so in love with but whatever it is has a hold on me and it probably will have a hold on me forever.

I know Ranboo doesn't like his face, he doesn't really like anything about him. I don't think I understand why, this beautiful boy obviously doesn't see what I see when I look at them.

He might as well be the definition of beauty.

They finally began to wake up again, blinking slowly as he adjusted to the sunlight. They lifted up their head so they could look at me.

The look he gave me was so filled with love, I just fell in love all over again. I cupped his cheeks, moving his face closer to mine.

I could tell they were blushing, "Can I kiss you, beloved?" He froze for a moment, probably because of what I called him. "Yeah..."

I closed the space between us, kissing him softly. I hope he knows how much he means to me. I hope they know that they are the best person I've met.

I pulled away slowly, although our faces were still fairly close. Really close actually, it made me blush. They smiled brightly, "I think it's time to get up now Bee..." I frowned, "but I'm so comfortable, I just want to stay in this moment forever."

He shook his head, "Well I'm getting up. I need to make breakfast." I whined as they got up but I let them go. "I'll be down in a bit boo."


We spent our day mostly walking around town, giggling in each other's presence.

We got back home somewhere around 8pm so Ranboo's moms were still up. They saw us walk in and immediately started questioning Ranboo about whether he had fun today or something. 

I ran upstairs while they were talking and began to get ready for bed. I'm exhausted after walking all day.

I laid in bed and waited for Ranboo. Soon enough they came upstairs, looking annoyed. "You alright?" He nodded and sat by the end of the bed

I pulled him onto my lap and kissed his forehead. "Sleep."

"Alright Bee." He laid on top of me, falling asleep almost immediately. God he's gorgeous...

He really is the definition of beauty...

(Help idk what I'm doing lmao

Sappy love🥰
Word count-691)

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