Mike and Zoey are here and Cordula's eggs

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They see a woman with red hair wearing a red t-shirt, a pink flower and light brown pants and a dark haired spikey boy who wears a teal short and blue pants wait patiently"

Arabepla- What the ?

Tigs: Hey, aren't those two from total drama?

Aranella- Wait a minite.... That's Zoey and Mike !

Jason gasp: No way!!

Tatyana elbows him

Jason: Ow! Sorry babe.

Zoey looks: Oh hi! You must be the weaselings!

Arabella- Of course we are!

Tatyana holds Jason' s arm in a territorial way

Jason smiles and snuggles her*

Tatyana smiles and snuggles him

Mike: Hey, we heard this town is free of rent, so me and Zoey decided to live here.

Malikai: Why not, we have plenty of houses.

Arabella-( awkwardly ) Yeah......

A jewelpet female weenie dog came out from behind Zoey's bags*

Arabella- Really ? A weiner dog ?

Zoey: Oh, this is my jewelpet Hemi.

Axelle: Awwww, we have jewelpets too!

Arabella elbows her

Axelle: Ow, sorry.

Arabella- Big mouth

Angela sees her: Hi there paca!

Hemi- Hello !

Jasper: Welcome to dark town.

Coral: This place has everything.

Milky: Plus a strawberry cafe!

Arabella- Okay you three DONT get too over excited

Lolip: Sorry Arabella.

Arabella smiled and snuggles her baby jewelpet.. 

Arabella- Awwww ! Its alright my little bunny~

Lolip giggles: I'm not sure if I'm a sweetpet or a jewelpet?

Arabella- You're no sweet jewelpet !

Lolip: Hm?

Arabella- You're my sweet jewelpet !

Lolip: Awwwww!

Arbaella snuggles her.

In Coal's room....

Cordula sleeps in her soft fluffy nest

Coal snores*

Cordula feels pain in her stomach and whines as she got off the bed and in her fluffy warm labor nest and whines in pain quietly not to wake up her mate

Coal still sleeps*

Cordula-( Quietly ) ow... Ahh... Ahh... It hurts....

Coal: Mmm.....

Cordula finally finishes and she laid her eggs down whining as tears slip fron her cheeks

Coal wakes up: Huh?

Coal turned to the riggt and sees his tearful wife relaxing in her labor next

Coal: Honey?

Cordula wakes up and looks

Cordula- C-Coal ?

Coal went to her: What's wrong honey?

Cordula- I...... I just had eggs

Coal: What?!

Cordula nodded shy and looked away

Coal looks*

Cordula gently moved out of the way revealing four swan eggs

Coal: No way....

Cordula- See?

Coal: Four eggs...

Cordula- Mhm

Coal gently rubs them*

Cordula- Are you okay?

Coal: I'm going to be a dad.

Cordula smiles

Coal nuzzled the eggs* 

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