Chapter 3

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"Abigail wake up" a soothing voice said.
"Hm?" I mumbled turning over.
"Get up, room inspection soon" I'm assuming Bea said.
"No thank you" I said turning back over.
Only then was I pulled out of my bed and onto the floor.
"Perra" I groaned.
"What?" She laughed.
"Bitch" I smirked.
"Rude" she said throwing a pillow at me.
"Ok I'm up!" I said standing up in surrender.
"Go get dressed Jack will be here to inspect our room soon" she grinned.

That made me movie quicker. He was so beautiful. Oh my.

I walked out of the cabin and over to the toilets, there are two sets of toilets in this section, the normal ones, and there's other ones in the shower area, that's where I was last night.

Once I finished my business and washed my hands and shit, I brushed my teeth and rinsed off my toothbrush.

I made my way back to the cabin, I think it's stupid to have attractive people inspect your room, because one: you can't be with them, because it is strictly prohibited, and two: it just makes more thirsty ass bitches.

I opened the creaky door to our cabin, has it always been creaky? I don't remember it being creaky the other night. Meh.

I got changed into (media pic) added some concealer and lip balm. I took out my hair from the pleats and shook my hair around for a bit to loosen it all up. That's basically my morning routine, oh and I deodorantised myself of course.

I tidied up my area of the cabin, I made my bed, not that I'll need to make it because Jack will be in there with me-see thirsty ass bitch.

"Room inspection!" Jack shouted from outside our cabin.

Ally opened the door and let Jack in.

"Good morning girls" he smiled.
"Morning" we all replied smiling our thirsty ass faces off.

He came to all the areas, mine was last, it was also an amazing moment of our me, it was a big leap into Jack and I's relationship, he LOOKED INTO MY EYES HOLY MIERDA.

"Ouch, what happened to your head?" He asked concerned. HES CONCERNED.
"Um...I fell off a raft and hit a rock" I said embarrassed.
"Woah, well there's no tuff activities today, normally on Tuesday's we do something like, crafts or something" he let out a laugh.
"Oh goody" I smiled. OH GOODY. OH GOODY? WHO SAYS OH GOODY?!
"Well everything looks good ladies, keep it up" he smiled before leaving.
Half way through breakfast there was an announcement.
"Guys can I get your attention please?" Counsellor Joe said into a mic.
"Um, today is just a chill sort of day, we are doing some crafts until lunch, and after lunch you get to go back to your cabins and do whatever, or you can wander about your camps, but still, no mixing into the opposite genders camp please. Uhm..and after dinner, we'll be having a karaoke night here in the mess hall! So make sure you're all here at 8pm!!" He smiled before putting the mic down and going back to his table.
I walked down to the shore of the lake with Bea and there was a massive gazebo with lots of crafty shit in it.

I grabbed some materials for my soon to be masterpiece. I got some wood, paint, glitter, nails, and some other decorations. I'm going to make a picture frame. Because I think I brought my Polaroid, if I did then I'll snap a nice pic and put it in the frame, if not then I'll just have an empty frame. I definitely brought lots of film, it's useless without the actual camera though.

I walked over to a spare table and started on my masterpiece.
To be honest it was fucking boss. I'm a fucking boss. It was amazing. Like seriously, I'd never seen something so amazing. My picture frame was a work of art.

I wonder where Bea went?

"Hey" Jai said coming up to me.
"Shh, I'm concentrating" I said sticking my tongue out so I could concentrate more, not that that ever worked.
"Woah that's a nice picture frame" he said looking at my baby.
"I know" I smirked.
"Where's the picture though?" He frowned.
"Not got it yet, I'm going to take one at karaoke night with my Polaroid" I said.
"I should be in it" he said.
"No you shouldn't, I should" I said.
"Yeah but I should be in it too" he laughed.
"Hmmm.." "Nah"
"Your loss" he smiled while walking away.

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