The last sent message.

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I lay in my bed, staring at my ceiling. Wondering about what the text he sent earlier meant, sighing i laid on my right side. Staring at my phone that was laid down on my nightstand, i picked it up.

Staring at my phone that was now in my hand, i opened it and went to Messaging. I clicked our recent conversation.

'I'm getting sleepyyy :('
Sent 9:45 PM

'Then sleep you dum-dum!'
9:49 PM

Sent 10:01 PM

'No butsButts are gross!'
10:01 PM

'Haha kidding! ;p'
10:02 PM

'You shit head! :p'
Sent 10:05 PM

'It's a beautiful night, tonight :)'
Sent 10:10 PM

'Yeah, but not as beautiful as you ;)'
10:13 PM

'Oh shut up..'
Sent 10:15 PM

10:19 PM

'You just hurt my feelings.. D‘:'
10:20 PM

'Grow up you wussy! :p'
Sent 10:23 PM

'Anyways, i'm getting sleepier, text ya' tomorrow byeeee!'
Sent 10:09 PM

'Aw okay, sweet dreams beautiful!'
10:11 PM

'Love you! ;)'
10:13 PM

Staring at the last text he sent me, i started to wonder what he meant by that. 'Love you', look at me worrying about stuff. But saying Love You to a person is a big deal, you only say that to people you love.

Does that means he Loves me?

I shook my head, scolding myself for my silliness. He wouldn't, couldn't, never love me. That's impossible, i guess.

i exited our convo. And decided to text my friend Julia about this, I'm pretty sure she's still up and going. i just really needed someone to talk to, right now.

Kinda based on true events...

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