Image Isn't Everything

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America stared at the wall. Meetings were always boring.

"ALFRED!" someone yelled.

"Huh?" Alfred snapped his gaze to the one who had yelled his name. It was Arthur, sitting next to him. Everyone was staring at Alfred.

"ARE YOU LISTENING!?" Arthur yelled.

"No, and why do I have to?" Alfred answered.

"BECAUSE THIS IS A MEETING!" Arthur replied.

Alfred rolled his eyes.

"Rude git," Arthur said, crossing his arms and returning his attention to the current speaker.

Rude, dumb, unhealthy, git, loud, obnoxious. All words used to describe Alfred. Mostly from Arthur, but he'd sometimes hear others use these words to describe him, but he pretended he didn't. He'd laugh and smile, even though his heart would be in pieces.

He tried to pay attention, but eventually gave up. Maybe he could ask Japan later about whatever everyone had been talking about.

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