Kiku's Comforting

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Kiku listened to Alfred tell his story.

"Everyone seems to hate me. I try to be nice, but it doesn't work. I've tried to be happy like Feliciano, but that doesn't work, either. Now look at where I am! What, TWO friends! AND ONE OF THEM'S IGGYBROWS!" Alfred yelled, letting his emotions get the better of him. He even started crying.

"Please don't cry, Mister America," Kiku said, but Alfred couldn't hear him. Kiku walked up to Alfred.

"Do they really say those things about you?" Kiku asked.

Alfred just looked up and nodded.

"Well, that's just how they can be sometimes," Kiku said.

"Yeah, but... Why me?" Alfred asked.

"I don't know... But this makes you a hero, you know?" Kiku said, trying to cheer Alfred up.

"How?" Alfred asked.

"Well, you don't start fights with them, for one thing," Japan said.

"Yeah, but-" Alfred began.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but... Look, you're really strong. You could hurt someone very badly, and yet you don't," Kiku said. Alfred thought for a moment.

"Yeah... I guess you're right," Alfred said.

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