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calling draco🤍




hi, sunshine


did you have a good day?

it was amazinggg! we went down to the beach for a couple hours, then we went and rented a boat. you saw whilst mione's post was up. after we got back to land, we sat on the beach for a half hour before i left to get us all drinks. came back to see the girls together, watching the sunset. took their picture, of course. i gave them their drinks, and we all watched the sunset together. a little after it got too dark to see anything, we got in our cars and left.

your words are slightly slurred. were you good enough to drive?

that's what you get?? oh, come on, dray.

yes, yes, okay. sounds like you had a wonderful time. kind of disappointed i didn't go. i bet i would've enjoyed it.

yeah, i bet so. though, you're too pale. bet you haven't even touched sand.

(static over the phone as elizabeth moves around)

rude. hey, what's going on over there?

sorry, i just got home. i'm trying to change.

(elizabeth puts her phone on speaker, setting it down on her nightstand as she started to peel off her bathing suit. the body mirror adjacent from her almost stares her down, her reflection gazing back at her.)

hey, where'd ya go? you good?


beth? darling? helllllloo?

yeah, yeah. i'm here. what?

so you're saying you just now got home? liz, it's ten-thirty


you have to get up early tomorrow

(elizabeth groans, loudly)

yes, mother.

good, my child.

(the two chuckle over the speaker)

what about you? what did you do today?

mother and i tended to her garden most of the day. she enjoys it a lot.

that's sweet of you. i bet she loves all the time you spend with her.

or she's silently begging for me to get out of her hair

(elizabeth barks a laugh. towel wrapped around her limber body, she walked down the hall to her bathroom. she entered the room, turning on the bath faucet)

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