Phase Three: Fun Facts & General Biography

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Offenderman cannot get humans pregnant, however, during sexual contact, he can "climax" (I'm trying to make this sound as appropriate as possible). Offenderman is 6 feet, 7 inches, quite a threatening height if you're a decently small person. Don't worry, height isn't everything.

Offenderman has no known relatives, also, Slenderman is not aware of his existence, they do not know each other. Offenderman is said to be naturally built, his physical stature is quite impressive. Though he was known to smoke, Offenderman quit and may want you to quit too. Kids, don't do drugs.

Offenderman does not target pregnant women, they are going through enough already, and Offenderman isn't good with children. Offenderman often targets people from ages 21 to 25, he doesn't feel young adults who have just turned 18 are appropriate targets, even if they are mature enough.

Offenderman loves people no matter their race or appearance, chunky, skinny, tall, short, White, Black, Asian, Indian, he loves you for who you are. Offenderman is into shows that deal with drama, in particular, Law & Order: SVU, and so do I.

Wrapping up, let's move on to the fourth and final phase, our Epilogue.

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