side effects 2

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finneys pov

hearing this made me confused,concerned, sad, and mad (at his cousin).

i could tell robin thought i was disgusted but i wasn't.

"hey don't go, i'm sorry i really don't know what to say. that was gross of them to do that, and you shouldn't have went through that robin." i said , catching his breath.

robin just smiled, he couldn't say anything to me. i just hugged him and we stayed there for a while.

"do you still want me to help with math?" i say to him not pulling away yet.

"yes please" he says still holding on to me.

"how am i suppose to get home, my parents won't believe me, i can't even face my cousin." robin told me, i could finally hear him tear up.

i felt the back of my shoulder soaked a bit, but i could care less.

i was glad robin told me.

now at robins house.

3rd persons pov.

"hey mom, can i talk to you no no mom leo sexually assaulted me no shit" robin was thinking about ways he was going to confront his mom and his family.

he almost didn't want too, but finney gave him the courage too.

robin walked through the door.

stopping to look at his mom, but she was talking to his cousin.

robin felt heartbroken. he felt tears were about to fall. he couldn't do it.

he rushed into his room, not turning back to the calls of his mom.

robin was tired.

the explanation go robin wearing jackets to school was because of his scars.

the new ones, old ones, dried ones, fresh ones.

he couldn't deal with it.

one more time he always tells himself.

one more time and i'll hit my satisfaction.

one more cut and i'll be better.

it became an addiction. all cause because of what his cousin did, all because he could say anything, all because his voice was to low , all because he was scared.

he was disgusted of himself.

these were his side effects.

these was also my side effects sadly.  i'm okay now but, i don't know man this chapter was a little iffy

anyways fluff or angst next !?

robin and finney (rinney)one shots :)Where stories live. Discover now