A/N I guess

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Welcome to this little "book". If you already know me, hello again :D
If you're knew here, nice to meet you :)

So yeah, I'm just gonna write a few prolouges for maybe future stories.

✅ = I want to read it
🤷🏻‍♀️ = I think I need something more, to be sure.
❌ = Nah, I don't think I want to read it / I don't know the fandom, sorry.

You can comment under each emoji. They will be beneath every prolouge :)

Some of them may be in german, but it's completely fine if you don't understand it ^^

Also please correct any grammar, spelling etc. mistakes. I really want to better my english and this can help. I'm not gonna be mad at you if you do it :D

So yeah, I think that's all I have to say.
Drink and eat something <3
And I'm out

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