A Dsmp/DNF story (discontinued)

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Deep in the woods there was a cave where a man was standing who sharpened his axe. He jumped on a noise that came from the entrance of the cave. He shoved his mask infront of his face and tightened his grip around the axe. "Who's there?", he asked with concern in his voice.

"We found you, there's no point in hiding anymore."
A bunch of people entered the cave and Dream dropped his axe as he recognized the voice.

"Hello Tommy, my old friend", he spoke to the blonde boy infront of him. He enjoyed the scared face of the boy whenever he called him that.
"We should've killed you when we had the chance the first time."
A bruenette stepped on Tommy's side whos fluffly hair was falling over his eyes already.
"And Tubbo! Welcome!"

Dreams eyes flew over the little crowd and stopped at a face he knew very well. "Really Sapnap? Again?"
"Again and I'm going to do it all the times I have to do it in the future, Dream", the raven haired boy answered. Dream's heart broke a little bit because of that, but he wouldn't let them notice that.

"There aren't going to be future times Sapnap. 'Cause we're gonna kill him right here, right now", Tubbo said.
The group stepped forward wich caused Dream to take a step back.
"Listen", he said. "Before you kill me, I have one last question."
Tommy and Tubbo looked at eachother and nodded in agreement. "Okay, go on."

Dream bit his lip. He was really scared that the answer wouldn't fit in with his wishes. He took a deep breath before he asked the question.
"What happened to George?"



It's kinda bad, I know. But it's my first time writing in english like this and I actually find it okay :)

Tell me what you think :D
I like criticism and Feedback as long as it is constructive :)

Have a great day ^^
I'm out

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