Grandson of Sparda Awakening

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A.N- I do not own Dmc and Mha or any photos used

《Chapter 1》

~ Musutafu Hospital ~

In the Hospital room sat a woman and a child. Their name was Midoriya Inko and Midoriya Izuku and they were here to find out what his quirk was. Not having awakened it at 4 was not uncommon but kids can be cruel. So now having enough Izuku asked his mother on his 5th birthday if they could go to the quirk doctor.

Izuku waited patiently with bushy snow white hair and forest green eyes with freckles in the pattern of a diamond on both of his cheeks he wore a All Might shirt with the word Plus Ultra on it, green shorts, and red shoes.

Izuku waited patiently with bushy snow white hair and forest green eyes with freckles in the pattern of a diamond on both of his cheeks he wore a All Might shirt with the word Plus Ultra on it, green shorts, and red shoes

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Izuku held a toy Katana in his hand and swung it around with a smile. Inko could only look at Izuku with a sad smile, she could see a little of his father in him. That is when the door opened and walked in a small fat man this was Dr. Tsubasa.

"Ah Midoriya-San I have good news for your son

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"Ah Midoriya-San I have good news for your son." Dr. Tsubasa said with a smile. Making Izuku grin knowing what the doctor ment.

"Your son has a quirk but by the scans I can see it's one of the unique ones. He as a quirk different from yours and his grandparents." Dr. Tsubasa said with a smile.

"Cool so I have a quirk unquie to me and me alone awesome!" Izuku said smirking. This made Inko chuckle in joy.

"Doctor do you have any Idea of what the quirk can do?" Inko asked curiously making the doctor smile

"It's similar to a Support hero in America who makes support gear for heroes. It's called Enhance it enhances the properties of the Item." The doctor explained making Izuku gain stars in his eyes in amazement.

"I'm gonna be a kick ass hero!" Izuku shouted in joy making Inko frown

"Izuku language." Inko said sternly making izuku flinch and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry mom" Izuku said shyly

"Anyway what are you gonna call it?" The doctor asked.

Making Izuku think "well if in America they call it Enhance then I'll call it Upgrade." Izuku said with a smile

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