New Blood of Sparda's training Pt.1

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《Chapter 2》

An - just to let you know all dmc locations will be in Japan.

~ Devil May Cry In Redgrave city  ~

Izuku was sitting on the couch with foggy eyes emotionlessly while be comforted by Lady and Trish while don't was dealing with the cops. Talking about the dead body's reported by Dante so he had to explain.

No one spoke letting the boy grieve in silence well until Dante came back and spoke up with a smirk. "Hey kid tell me do you know your father's name?" Dante asked making Izuku look up and the to woman to glare.

"Vergil" Izuku stated making the 2 women to eyes widen and Dante to grin widely.

"Well your in luck kid because Vergil is my older brother making you my Nephew ain't that awesome." Dante said making Izuku's eyes widen.

And like that little more life came back into his eyes. "Izuku the thing that killed your mother are lesser demons." Dante stated making Izuku jump in Alarm and look at his uncle with shocked eyes.

"And that arm scaly arm of yours is demonic in nature. You Izuku Midoriya have the blood of the Dark Night Sparda." Dante said in pointing at him dramaticly shocking Izuku. Then Dante explained the legend of Sparda to Izuku and he was Amazed and his eyes turned into flames of determination.

"Uncle please train me I don't want to feel weak ever again" izuku asked this made him smirk

"Alright kid firth we need to train that body but that can wait till tomorrow so get some rest." Dante said pointing to the coach making the girls slap him upside the head

"Dante you sleep on the coach and he'll take your bed" Lady said as she picked up Izuku and took him to dantes room. This made Dante grown and he just flopped on the coach.

~ The Next Day ~

Izuku was awakened by a bucket of water being poured on his face. Izuku Gasped in shock as he looked up to see a grinning Dante making him glare daggers at him. Dante only grined wider "Ah that glare your just like your father how adorable. " Dante snickered

This made Izuku Scowl "I'm not adorable damn it" izuku growled as he put a hand on his head and slicked it back like his father. Dante could see a ghost of Vergil behind Izuku scowling with his son. Dante blinked at it was gone.

Dante then turned around "Alright kid time to train meet me outside the shop." Dante said walking out. Making izuku grumble as he headed to the bathroom and dried off his hair. Izuku looked in the mirror and he saw his face and messy white hair.

Izuku then slicked back his hair and smirked "I look like my father huh?" Izuku asked himself with a sad smile.

Izuku then slicked back his hair and smirked "I look like my father huh?" Izuku asked himself with a sad smile

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Izuku left the bathroom and went down the stairs. "Izuku why are you soaked?" Trish asked

"Dante" is all izuku had to say making Trish face palm.

"Hold on kid Lady should be back with your new clothes and old ones." Trish said with a smile

Making Izuku frown and tilt his head "what do you mean?" Izuku asked

"Well since Dante is your uncle he is now your legal gradian so we're moving all your things here." Trish explained making Izuku nod

"What about my....mother's funeral." Izuku asked hesitantly. Making Trish give him a sad smile.

"Izuku your mother has already been barried Next to you Grandpa and Grandma at the old Sparda home by Dante Personally." Trish explained making Izuku smile sadly

"Well at least the family's all together." Izuku said with a sad smile. Then the doors were opened by an annoyed Dante

"Kid you coming or what?" Dante asked with an annoyed face. Making Izuku deadpan

"You kind of wet my clothes and I don't have any extras." Izuku said making Dante look sheepish and rub the back of his head.

"Oh yeah" Dante said looking way from the glaring duo. Then the door opened again to show Lady holding a suit case with some bags in her hands.

"I got you clothes Izuku" Lady said once she saw him and Izuku when and grabbed a plain black shirt and blue shorts and went into the bathroom to change. Once Izuku came out he left with Dante to go back to Musutafu.

~ Takoba Municipal Beach ~

When Izuku god out of the car he did not see a beach but a Junk yard. "Um Dante this is a junk yard not a beach." Izuku said hesitantly.

"Nope were in the right place. You see this usr to be a beautiful beach I used to go to but now it's nothing but a junk yard. From this day onward you will be be cleaning this beach alone, oh and don't use your quirk." Dante said sitting an a nearby bench.

"And were am I supposed to put the trash" izuku asked still looking at the mountains of trash.

Dante only pointed at a large trash bin that had to logo of the local trash company this made Izuku groan "won't this affect my body and stunt my growth?" Izuku asked trying to get out of this. But Dante just smirked making Izuku get a Shiver down his spin.

"Your a half blood human standards of training doesn't applie to you." Dante said smirking making Izuku slump and turn around to see his goal still hesitant making Dante sigh.

"You wanted to be a hero right? Like my old man? And um those pro heroes right?" Dante asked making Izuku nod

"Well then be a hero to the community and clean the beach and make it beautiful again." Dante said making Izukus eyes spark in determination

"All right let's go" the determined 5 year old said as he ran off

"Note to self when wanting Izuku to do something relate it to something heroic related." Dante mused to him self

《To be Continued》

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