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"Help!Help me!"
Peter heard a little girl scream. He followed the voice through the elongated basement he was in. Yes, he had followed some smugglers and was currently trapped in their hideout. "Please help!",
the girls voice was getting louder and closer so he ran towards it. He hurried into the dark room only to realise that it was a trap. "Very good Parker luck",
he sighed under his breath.

"So? You ready Spiderguy?",
A monotonous voice spoke through a speaker. The room had a very unpleasant vibe to it, almost threatening. The walls looked weird and there was strange smell hovering around. Peter didn't move an inch. He had a feeling that there might be hidden weapons in the walls or on the ceiling if there was any. It was way too dark.

"What do you want from me?",
Peter simply asked. His nervousness increased when no one answered but he stayed still. Then he heard someone sigh through the speaker and the man spoke, "I don't want anything from you becaaaause... I've already got you."

"And no knows that you are here so don't get your hopes up. No one's coming to save you. Not from me",
The man continued. Peter had no idea who the man was and why was he doing this and what was the point of keeping him in a dark room and for what?

"You're probably thinking who is this guy? Why is he doing all of this and what's the point? I'll just clear things up, don't wanna leave you confused when you die...",
The man laughed. Peter was panicking but he covered it well, trying to find a way out. "So, do you remember that guy who died on the beach in a plane crash?You know the amusement park where you were fighting the Vulture for stupid Stark's stupid cargo",
the man hissed his voice filled with rage. Peter could sense the anger through the speaker and was internally losing it. He had no idea of anyone else being there on the beach but how did that connect with any of this?

"He was my brother. And you didn't save him Spiderman. Why?! ",
He demanded. Peter could feel a lump in his throat fearing that he is actually going to die but he gathered up some courage and replied,
"I'm sorry for your brother but I didn't know he was there, it was plane crash how could anyone have possibly known."
"He's already gone!Now soon you will be gone too... and Stark will watch!",
the man stated pressing some buttons and suddenly a tiny green dot appeared in the corner of the room, a camera.

A loud noise started ringing from everywhere almost deafening Peter because of his spider senses. He covered his ears but it wasn't working, it was very high pitched.After like 8 minutes the ringing stopped. Peter was panting, still afraid he was gonna die like this but he didn't want to give up yet. He gathered himself again ready for whatever was there waiting for him.
Then the shock started.

Tony was in his lab with very little idea of what Peter was going through. He got an anonymous call and answered it without seeing who it was. Then what he saw next sucked the life out of him. It was Peter, beaten up and gasping for air in a dark room. He instantly told FRIDAY to track him. He sharply inhaled, not a single word leaving his mouth. Then a man spoke.

"Hey Tony, how are you? All good? This is Jim,Oh that... That's just Peter Parker getting electrocuted nothing much. You know after all the stalking and following and planning it's finally happening! Revenge party! Isn't it the best?",
As Tony was getting in his suit he could see Peter crawling on the floor, pleading for help as the shock quaked his entire body. Rage was filling inside Tony, his breathing getting harsh. Who would do such a thing to a kid?

Peter was on the floor,crying due to continues attacks of the sickening electric shocks. It made his body numb and bruise. He had removed his mask obviously because the mysterious guy already knew about him and also because he couldn't breathe.

"Sir, Peter Parker's location is detected. He is currently in an old facility near the main city highway. He requires urgent medical attention",
FRIDAY announced. Tony was already in the air and immediately changed his course as FRIDAY guided him. He couldn't connect to Peter's suit and it also took a while to get the location. The man must be so committed to killing his spider baby.

"Oh Peter, your aunt is gonna yell at you if you stay past bedtime. Just go to sleep, it's not like anyone cares",
The man spoke and Tony was still connected to the call so he heard every single thing he was saying. He could hear Peter crying and sobbing, begging for his life. "Mr. Stark- I- Please I can't- help-",
Peter cried. He knew that Tony could hear and see him. Peter was blaming himself for everything at this point.

His parents dying, Ben dying, Tony almost dying, he felt responsible for all of it even though he was not. He wasn't proud of himself as he didn't check for any other people being on the beach and took the man's brothers death on him.
It was all his fault, and he couldn't do anything. May is always concerned about him, Ned and MJ have also faced a lot just by being with him and Tony probably doesn't care. That...was his last thought before he finally closes his eyes.

Jim left as soon as he saw Peter's eyes shut but he knew that Tony would come and save his son. He left anyways just leaving poor Peter alone in the dark. Why would he even care, killing Peter wasn't gonna bring his brother back but Jim got what he wanted. Revenge.

Tony reached the location and rushed to where he could detect one single heat signature he knew was Peter. He blasted the door open and there he was. His kid, motionless on the floor, his eyes shut not daring to open again, looking more pale then any paper.
"Pete?", Tony whispered placing a hand on Peter's cold yet soft cheeks. He shaked Peter lightly ignoring the tears leaving his own eyes and luckily his head moved a bit. "Mr. Stark?", Peter said weakly.

Tony smiled. He took Peter's head in his hand and pulled him to his chest. Tony looked up as if thanking God but he was just so relieved to find his kid. He was going to keep him safe at any cost. FRIDAY said something which was inaudible to Peter and he could see Tony's lips moving not making out what he was saying.Peter's vision became blurry forcing him to close his eyes.

Tony was a bit less worried because FRIDAY told him that Peter was gonna make it. He panicked when he saw Peter's eyes shut, he kept on saying his name to try and wake him but Tony knew that he was gonna be alright. He carried Peter to the Avengers tower in no time, rushed him to the med bay. 'He's gonna be okay, he's okay' Tony keeps repeating this while all the doctors were working to save his son.

After 2 hours someone finally came out of the room, "He's ok now but he's not going to wake up for the next 2-3 hours. He's running low on his spider-strength because of being...electrocuted for a long time and...thank you for getting him here on time. You saved him", the doctor stated and left. Tony went inside the room and sat next to his baby spiderling.

He brushed some curls off Peter's forehead. He was burning up. Tony stared him for a moment then he placed a soft kiss on his head, hoping it makes the fever go away. No one can touch his kid, not even fever. "So... I'll be here for the next few hours. Wake up soon or else my ass will freeze because of this chair",
Tony spoke to him as if he could hear him. Peter was sleeping but he spoke anyway.

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