Chapter 2

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The next day, Morgana was out in the lower town with Gwen just browsing around the stalls. She didn’t mind her maid being with her; she knew Gwen had to be, but it was getting difficult between them. Sometimes, it felt as though Gwen knew she wasn’t the old Morgana- after all, they weren’t as close as they used to be. Maybe Gwen would think it had something to do with her ‘disappearance’ for the last year.

    The last stall was not one that Morgana had seen before, nor had she seen the person who stood watching her. Morgana gave a rare smile at the young girl there. She looked at least ten years younger than Morgana, but there seemed something almost familiar about her that she couldn’t work out.

    “Lady Morgana, isn’t it?” The girl suddenly asked. Uther’s Ward nodded, knowing for certain this girl was new to Camelot. Everyone knew she was the Lady Morgana. “At last.”

    “Excuse me?” Morgana asked. Then she smiled again a little. “We haven’t met before, have we?”

    The girl shook her head. “I’m Isabel. No. We haven’t met before. do know me in a way. At’re able to recognise our kind.” Looking around carefully, Isabel turned to a bottle on the stand and put her hand on it. Her eyes flashed gold for a second and the contents of the bottle changed from blue to yellow, and back again within about five seconds.

    Morgana stared at this and then looked back at the girl. “So, you know” She glanced to see where Gwen was, and was glad she wasn’t near them yet. Gwen looked like she was buying something and would be a short while.

    It gave them time to talk.

    “How do you know about me if you’ve never been to Camelot before? Why were you looking for me? Do you know my sister as well?” Morgana fired the seconds off quickly, but Isabel didn’t look annoyed.

    “Yes, I know Morgause.” She smiled. “Not too well, but I’ve met her. A lot of people know you, my Lady. You’re the King’s Ward. I don’t need to have been here before.”

    “Why were you looking for me?” Morgana repeated. She was anxious. This wasn’t really the best place to have a conversation with another sorceress, but there was no alternative.

    Isabel didn’t answer immediately, for she was lost in thought for a few moments. Eventually she turned back to Morgana. “Can you meet me tonight in the Darkling Woods? I can tell you everything better then. There will be no chance of being overheard and, well...I can hardly start telling you things now.”

    “Why not?” Morgana replied, a little louder than necessary. She quickly glanced round but no one seemed to have heard. However, Gwen was making her way over to them.

    “Trust me, my Lady, please. Seeing as we’re of a kind. I promise that I can and will tell you what I know tonight, but I can’t before then.” Morgana nodded slightly and Isabel sighed in relief. Seeing Gwen drawing up to them, she spoke again. “So will you be taking that today, my Lady?”

    Morgana smiled, being once more the actress. She saw now that Isabel had to do the same- at least, she did while she was in Camelot. “Not today, thank you. I think I have all I need.”

    They locked eyes and smiled as Morgana walked away. “Tonight. It’s obviously something important.” She thought as she and Gwen walked back through the lower town to the castle in Camelot. Morgana was worried and inquisitive, but happy to have found another magic user.

    It sometimes felt so lonely just being her and Morgause. No one else in the castle had magic, after all. If they did, she would know. She wished impatiently that it was already night time, so she could meet Isabel and find out what it was that was so important.

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