Server Start Up

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Teku covered his ears when he spawned into the lobby. Turning the volume on his headphones down as the community discord went wild and he looked around to see what was happening. There was atleast 300 players around him, all with different skins and their name tags glowing one of five different colors. Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, or Orange. Opening a menu which was accessed by a Grey colored beacon block he saw these colors were used to represent teams. Red being a team that was spawned in the skyscrapers, Green was in the forest surrounding the city, Blue was at an old dock yard, Yellow was inside a large Mall, and Orange was in a underground sewer network.

Looking up, TekuStars221 noticed his name was in a Blue color, although he realized it was a Navy Blue now that he got a closer look at it. His tail swayed from side to side as the Kobold Skinned player looked around, noticing how many players were interacting with eachother, trying their best to get on good terms with the other players in their teams, and other teams. Teku however, didn't really talk with anyone, he felt...anxious being around new people, and with all the people talking it made him keep away from the large groups of players and stand at the far end of the lobby, leaning against what looked to be a elaborate portal frame dressed with iron and copper. Everyone else was just grouped into a small area as they jumped up and down and punched the air. Teku rubbed his head before sighing, laying back against the blocks as he looked into the sky, watching as the server owner and the admins flew around, trying to set everything up for this game...or whatever they called it.

Teku could feel himself beginning to zone out when he heard a voice break through his thoughts. "You okay TekuStar?" The voice asked and he quickly turned to see someone in a skin that looked like a purple Axolotl with a adventure hat, above them was a Blue name that said "KongKobi". Teku quickly observed the player, taking note of how much he glanced around and took in the surrounding area and how he constantly looked like a bird about to take flight. "Eh..I'm fine, I just don't like all the sound, so I'll be glad when this thing starts and the area chat thing is activated" Teku stated, not entirely sure what the specific add on was called, but Kobi seemed to understand what it was since he sat next to Teku and sighed. "I feel ya, seems like we are on the same team so I guess we will be seeing more of eachother this experiment" Kobi smiled as he sighed and stretched, Teku just slowly nodded. "Mhm..." he muttered as he looked up at the sky to see the YouTuber...which had a Golden colored name had stopped flying around and had now turned towards the players. Turning up the volume on his headphones, Teku heard the YouTuber doing a basic run down on the rules and how this experiment will work. One life, several modded items added to the game, and a basic run down on each team. It didn't take long for him to finish and once he did everyone began to dissappear as they were teleported to their proper areas, as Teku felt himself black out.

Teku awoke to see he was in a very old building laying on some old, damp carpet. The sounds of his team echoed from outside. Standing up Teku looked around the building, the building was falling apart around him, it's old concrete walls were coated in mold and the metal was rusty. Near the corner of the room he could see an old bed and a chest, so he quickly walked over to them and opened the chest to find three seeds, a iron shovel, two peices of rotting flesh, and a leather helmet. Quickly he took these items and put on the helmet, walking out to see his team exploring the area. Teku quickly observed that the dockyard was a long, old concrete and iron platform going alongside a large mountain side which had some buildings along the top of it. Rails went through the pathway, and long concrete and wood pathways went out into the water where a bunch of rusty, and sunken ships laid in the green sea. Teku could hear someone yelling at other members of the team to explore the area, but he payed no attention towards them as he climbed into a ship and opened a chest, pulling out a magnifying glass and a few slices of bread and a potato which he quickly took and climbed to the back of the ship which stuck out into the air and sat down. Pulling out his magnifying glass he peered out into the water, the lense was kinda dirty but he quickly cleaned it off with his hat before looking through again. Now noticing a ship in the far distance, hidden by fog and mist.

"Now what are you doing Kobold?" came a voice that made Teku jump and put the glass away. Quickly he turned to see someone standing behind them, it was a player on his team, but she had a skin that looked like a robot with a screen face, and the name "GigabyteBread" hovered over her head. "I'm talking to you.." she said in an annoyed tone of voice which snapped Teku out of his thoughts. "Oh uh, sorry mam, I was observing the water for anything in it, from what I know right now, there is a ship out there that could hold items on value, I also have some seeds and a potato which we could use for farming" Teku explained as he pulled out the two items and Byte nods and smiled. "Good job, have you been in one of these before? You seem to know what your doing" she asked and Teku shook his head. "No, I have just been playing minecraft since I was three, I was the Hunger Games Champion for a long time although admittedly I haven't played PvP games in a while" Teku explained and Byte nods her head. "Well, still you will be of use, I been in a few events like this before this one, so I know what I'm doing" she said confidently, but Teku just rolled his eyes and sighed.

Honestly he didn't care about any of this, her bragging just seemed to annoy him as he sat there, thinking. "Hmm...we need to check out that ship, it's probably got a zombie spawner...maybe two, or spawning something else, so we should gear up abit first" he muttered as he got up and jumped back onto the dock. Byte followed him with her eyes before sighing "I was going to suggest that but go ahead, take the words right out of my mouth" she scoffed in annoyance as she walked off and began ordering people about, quickly becoming the leader of the team and splitting people into groups, each group with their own leader. One group was of course the farmers, their job was to find a place to set up a farm and get to work, the other ones was builders, defenders and explorers. Teku was apart of the Explorers team, it was a group of four players called the "Owl City" lead by a player going by the name of "FlyerFighter" who was in a Cloud Forest Owl skin with a firefighter suit. For the first day they really just walked around the dockyard so they could get their basic surroundings, the rest of the players on his team were chatting away, but Teku just kept quiet and looked around, studying the surroundings taking note of every sunken ship, every hole in the wall, and every building and crane. "Hmm...if we get Elytras we can use these cranes as platforms to take flight from" he said out loud, not realizing he was speaking and Flyer lightly punched his arm. "You are a genius!" He exclaimed causing Teku to jump and quickly turn and pull out his shovel before realizing who it was and sighed.

"Right, uh, thanks, anyway, it seems to be getting dark, we should find a place to stay for right now...I have a feeling something bad is going to happen" he said and very quickly the group of players went into one of the buildings just before the sun went down. And that's when they saw the moon went higher into the sky, it changed its color to was time for the first event.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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