Admiral Y/n's Bio

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Name: Y/n

Race: Human

Age: 27 (29 after timeskip)

Devil fruit: none

Abilities: Passive Iron body(It's 35% as good as your Armament haki)

mastered geppo (you literally just walk on air, you don't have to bounce, but when you do you become amazingly fast)

Finger pistol, (It isn't just a finger it's your entire hand, and your fire flick can be small or big, if it's big you need to thrust your fist forward almost like first bending from atla)

Passive advanced Paper Arts, (It works like Ant-Man, you may be thinner or slightly smaller but you maintain all your power.)

Tempest kick, (you can create very sharp compressed air from your kicks, the projectile moved VERY FAST and you can use tempest kick to simply make your kicks more powerful by a large margin)

Passive advanced Soru, (this makes you move at very extreme speeds it was 10x faster but for story sake and your already OP it will be 55% faster)

Rokugan, (damages the opponent from the inside out, this is your ultimate attack, it can only be used when your badly wounded, it's a short range purple see through beam that will obliterated anything it comes in contact with, it can be fused with haki just like all your other abilities and be buffed by Soru even further)

Healing ability, (You can heal people, but not from to severe injurys, you'll still need bandages and stuff)


Advanced armament + emission + ryo

Advanced observation + future sight (these are more of a passive)

Advanced conquers (you can choose who you can knock out and coat your attacks in conquers)


Leviathan Axe

Yeah your OP

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