A Hat for Grandma Lydia

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The hat-making lab in the basement of Mac Paidin Manor was lit brightly when Edward opened the door and escorted his grandson inside.

"Wow," Jack murmured. "so, this is where all the magic happens, huh?" He was gazing around at a large, open, mostly white space that looked more like a chemistry lab than the lower level of a stately old mansion overlooking the Irish Sea. "It's so modern-looking." He chuckled and swung the hefty leather bag at his side as he followed the elder gentleman to the far wall. There, he could see several different head coverings, mounted on hat stands, sitting on display atop a glossy-blonde, oak-top bench. Turning to his right, the wall of the laboratory was covered with metal peg-boards filled with all kinds of hand tools. There were pliers and wrenches, several different sizes and kinds of scissors, a variety of rulers, t-squares, and compasses. Cubbies beneath the workbench were overflowing with bolts of different felts, leathers, fabrics, and ribbons. Jack could see baskets and bins filled with flowers, feathers, and other decorative materials sitting on shelves. Contrasting these, in the middle of the room was a spacious work area topped with beakers, hot plates, microscopes, and other scientific-looking equipment. There was a stainless-steel sink with a tall, goose-neck faucet in the center of that work area. And on the opposite wall from the peg-boards, stored high up on wooden shelves, were all kinds of bottles and boxes. Each had a hand-written label on the front. Some jars were dark brown, and Jack couldn't see the contents in those. But others were clear, filled with different colored liquids. Some had ingredients floating inside. Other bottles had droppers, while some were plugged with a cork.

Edward drew Jack's attention back to him as he indicated a fashionable, sable-brown woman's hat. "This will suit your grandmother's sense of style perfectly," Edward said with a smile, and he lifted the hat, turning it this way and that.

Roses in shades of mauve and beige were prominently featured on one side of the upper brim, with matching ostrich feather accents and several forest-green leaves. The band was a simple black satin ribbon.

"See here? On the underside in the front? I've placed a discrete return button. All your grandmother needs to do is place the hat on her head, press that button, and within moments, she will return here to Mac Paidin Manor." He blinked slowly and licked his lips.

"It's beautiful, Grandpa," Jack said, admiring the creation. "So, is it ready to go, then?" He raised his brows at his grandfather.

"Oh, yes," Edward replied. "I think it's perfection. Are YOU ready to go?" He looked down at his grandson, cocking his head to the side.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Grandpa. I just want to get this over with so that we can both get back here to you, safe and sound." The corners of Jack's mouth turned up slightly.

"You'll want to take a jacket with you," Edward said, striding across the room to a coat rack where he lifted a double-breasted, navy-blue wool pea coat off a peg. He returned to Jack, holding the jacket out to him.

"Grandpa! How'd you know?" A broad smile broke out across Jack's face, and he turned to remove the leather bag from his wrist, setting it on the countertop, before taking the coat from his grandfather. Pulling it on, he stuffed his hands into the oversized pockets, then grinned, retrieving a leather glove from each. "You thought of everything!" Jack threw his arms around the older man's waist and hugged him tightly.

"I do my best," Edward whispered, pulling the boy to himself.

"So, I think you're all set." Edward patted the shock of chocolate-brown hair with a warm hand. Then, "Oh, wait!" He stepped away from Jack and lifted a dark brown newsboy-style cap with a sage-green brim off a wooden stand and turned to hand it to Jack. "Couldn't hurt for you to wear this!" And Jack grinned brightly with recognition. '"My magic hat!" He exclaimed, taking the cap from his grandfather's hands and placing it on his head with a firm tug down. "Arthur rescued me from Uncle Earl and evil Aunt Lizzie in Portland with this beaut!"

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