🗡Chapter 11🗡

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* You stand there in shock not knowing what to say and the real question is do you love him? WELL OF COURSE YOU DO STUPID BUT WILL YOU TELL HIM THAT? So you decide to....*

Y/n: I- uhm I think we should go find Wong, we are Portland so need a ride to New York. I have money i stole from Joshua so we should be fine or we could steal on I know how to jumpstart a car come on lets go!

*Geralt is confused on why you did not say a word and wasn't sure if you love him or not so kept quiet thinking if he gave you space you would then open up to him.*

*You wonder around for a while until you see*

Y/n: OH MY GOD! A 1994 Ferrari 348.

*You squeal in excitement. You knew your cars because Tony taught you and this was the first car he brought you when you passed your driving test, he was like a father figure to you and you miss him. He would never have let you go on this mission*

Y/n: Lets jumpstart this sweet baby.

*The car starts*

Y/n: Well get in Geralt!

*He opens the car door and sits inside*

Y/n: Seatbelt!

Geralt: What?

Y/n: Here let me.

*You unbuckle your seatbelt and reach over to grab his seatbelt, you are now both facing each other making deep eye contact, you feel his breathe hit your face and hear his heart beat but you immediately get out of the trance he put you on. You buckle him in and start to rev the car up*

Y/n: To New York we go!

* You both had to spend 5 hours in the car together... you put some cassettes on that you found.*

-now playing ~ Waterfalls by TLC* *You start to sing since you are avoiding any chat with Geralt*

Y/n: Don't go chasing water falls please stick to the rivers and the takes that you're used to I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all but I think you're moving to fast!

* Geralt turns it off*

Y/n: What! Hey! my song.

Geralt: Too slow.

*plays another - now playing ~ you can't touch this by MC Hammer*

Y/n: You can't touch this My, my, my, my Music hits me so hard Makes me say Oh, my Lord Thank you for blessing me With a mind to rhyme and two hyped feet!

* 2 hours of you singing and 3 hours in silent (silence was Geralts wishes) you had arrived*

*You knocked the door and Wong opens it*

Wong: How may I help you?

*You explain everything to Wong*

Wong: Wow uhm so where do you want me to send you to first since that guy is from 1210?

Y/n: Send us to 2022 I'll deal with everything else with Stephen and other Wong.

Wong: As you wish.

*He opens a portal*
*You grab Geralts hand and he holds your hand tightly*

Y/n: Let's go...

*You step in and you're in the avengers compound, you look around it is just how you remember it! All of a sudden you have someone knock you to the ground*


*You notice it's Steve*


Steve: Y/n oh my god!

*He hugs you*

Steve: I can't believe you're alive! How are you alive!?

Y/n: That is a long a$$ story for another day! Where is everyone?

Steve: conference room! Wait who's that guy?

Y/n: Oh Steve this is Geralt someone close to me uhm Geralt this is Steve a good friend of mine!
Steve: Hey dude nice to meet you!

*he puts his hand out for Geralt to shake but Geralt doesn't say or do anything*

Y/n: He's shy sorry.

Steve: No problem, come on let's go see everyone they'll be happy to see you're alive!

Y/n: Yeah!

*You walk to the conference room and see everyone especially Sam holding some chics hand...He didn't waste time did he? I mean you're in love with Geralt but you haven't done anything with him nor have you even made any decisions to move on so quick...*

Y/n: Hey everyone miss me?

Tony: oh my god Y/n!

Wanda: Y/N!

Y/n: Hey little sis!

*You guys hug!*

Bucky: Oh my y/n/n is that really you??

Y/n: Hell yeah buckaroo!

Sam: Uhm Y/n hey... this is my wife Andrea.

*Damn he said that a bit too quick... not even a how are you or where have you been!*

* Hurt you a lot to say the least, Geralt saw the sadness in your eyes and held your hand*

Sam: See you have someone new!

*Geralt let's go of your hand quickly*

Geralt: We are not together!

* You don't say a word to Sam*

Y/n: Guys this is Geralt he's been helping me get home this whole time!

Tony: Thank you for getting her home Geralt!
I'm 'the' Tony Stark.

Y/n: Tony he has no clue who you are stop trying to show off! He's from 1210!

Steve: Woah Stephen sent you that far in time!

Y/n: Too far! But I got what he needed so where is he?

Tony: Not here.

Y/n: Yeah well no sh*t Sherlock! When is he coming over? Actually no call him now I need to speak with him.

Tony: Ok miss bossy pants I'll go call him now.

*Some time goes by and you, Bucky, Wanda, Steve, Geralt, Sam and his wife are in the living room*

Steve: Wow what an adventure you've had.

Y/n: Yeah and if it wasn't for Geralt I would probably be dead.

*Everyone laughed*

Bucky: We made a grave stone for you!

Y/n: Aw really how sweet. I think...

Sam: it was mainly my idea.

*You ignore him*

Andrea: Y/n, did you hook up with anyone whilst you were there?

Y/n: Oh no... before I left there was this guy but I guess he moved on by the time n came back so I should have now that I think of it!

*You look over to Geralt*

Tony: Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah?

Tony: Stephens here...

Authors note: soooo what an eventful chapter next chapter will be worth the wait I might post tomorrow I've got my GCSE results tomorrow so if I do well then I'll post if I don't you'll have to wait...
Y/n isn't speaking to Sam as she is sad he moved on. She loves Geralt but she thought if she did anything it would be considered cheating on Sam but now you're just thinking why didn't you go for it? Well now you know you can think about wanting to be with Geralt .. that's if he will want to be with you. God does Y/n have a lot to think about! Y/n deserves someone who will love her and not leave her. You think Geralt will be the guy?

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