The Defender. Chapter 1: Offense is the best defence

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"Every country has its own constitution; ours is absolutism, moderated by assassination" Anonymous Russian.

My name is Aleksey Chichelnitsky, i was born in Cheboksary, the moskovsky district and raised there. the one thing i learnt from my parents was to stick to what i know, and to do what i was good at.

I guess they never guessed the one thing i would be good at was killing.

By the age of 22 i was a member of the Spetsnaz and more precisely the Vympel unit. my job was to kill without question or hesitation for my country, for the mother land

November 8th 1989, 4:48am, Tomsk Oblast, Western Siberian Plain

The heavy sounds of the rotor blades dominated the entirety of my eardrums as the high speed transport carried us over the snowy tree tops, the snow storm was picking up intensity. the pilot shouted furiously at my squad leader, i choose not to focus on the voices, i looked down at my weapon. the perfectly crafted device, steel and wood it gleamed even with the lack of natural light in its presence. the AKS-74 a refined version of the standard issue rifle. the perfect weapon in my eyes. Although i have told you my name i will not refer to myself with it, instead my squad name will be used I'm not entirely sure how the real origin of this name came about but its stuck. my name was Cardinal, i was part of a 4 man squad, along side me where Hot Pot, Raven and our squad leader Bear Claw.

I looked up from my weapon Hot pot was looking at me, although i couldn't see he facial expression under the balaclava his eyes suggested he was making a joke on my behalf, trying to lighten the mood no doubt the wind from the snow storm picked up the stress it created on the chassis of the helicopter caused groaning and screaming from the bolts and metal sheets a errant twisting feeling emerged beneath my feet, i ignored it leaned over to my left and shouted into Ravens ear "Don't make them like they used to". dignified Raven sat still carefully turning his head, and starting sharply and intently just like a raven. he scoffed and shook his head returning he gaze back to the storm out the window. i took a deep breath preparing for the inevitable. the build up is the worst part the feeling of build up as you are taken to the drop off. i eagerly anticipated the rest of the nights happenings.

Darkness had fully set in as the helicopter slowly descended to the clearing the struggling engine roared out as the door slid into the holder and exposed us the the harsh exterior of the world. i was the first to drop, i threw my rope out and carefully attached my harness clip turning slightly i motioned to Hot Pot "See you down there!" he acknowledged with a sharp nod, and then pointed at the rope to signalling to hurry up. i dropped down the conflicting feeling of falling into a blowing wind caught me off guard. it was almost like synthesized floating i was taken aback for a second i closed my eyes and let a smile creep across my face. i hit the ground before i could really enjoy the experience.

Gathering myself together and checking i had all my gear i stood up and gazed up, the snow storm had completely covered the chopper and it was barely visible. as i stood there hap hazardly i was surprised when Raven gently placed his hand on my shoulder and and spoke "We will make camp on the ridge over there, get you head together and move. we don't have time to fuck about! got it?"

i nodded and followed him, i held my weapon with both hands and in the ready position. the snow had created a thick blanket on the ground and our footsteps made a strong crunching sound, occasionally accompanied by the cracking of a branch. the ridge was smaller than we had hoped and Bear claw obviously unimpressed let out a sigh "Dammit!....we will rest here for now. we strike tomorrow after the sun has set for 2 hours!" we all stood still admiring the cover the storm was giving slowly beating the cold snow onto our motionless bodies the camp was ready in 20 minutes and i was asleep in 40.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2011 ⏰

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