Personal for @doughnutgirl

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"Hey Kiera!" Jake greeted you, along with the other four boys you called friends. "Kyle should be here in about an hour, he has to take care of something first."

You, Jake, Max, Alex, Marco, Finn, and Kyle were meeting up at your house, seeing as you hadn't seen them very much the past few weeks. You had missed hanging out with them a lot, especially Kyle.

They all sat in a circle in your living room, preparing for Truth or Dare, which they always play. You sat between Max and Finn, also preparing yourself for their crazy and absurd dares.

"Alright, I'll start. Truth or Dare, Marco?" Max asked, and you all looked at Marco.

"Dare," he grinned mischieviously.

"I dare you to make out with the wall for ten seconds." You all giggled and laughed when Marco walked over to the wall.

When his dare was done, he sat back down with a frown on his face. "That was no fun, the wall can't kiss back," he said, making you all laugh again. "Finn, Truth or Dare?"


"Who's your crush?"

Finn's face flushed as he looked anywhere but Marco and said, "Emily."

"My sister?!" Marco looked like he wanted to choke Finn.

"Whoa, Marco, bring the testosterone down," you said, holding in giggles.

"Kiera, truth or dare?" Finn asked, ignoring Marco's death glares. You thought for a moment.


"Who do you like, as in crush-like?" he asked, all five of them leaning toward you. Your face turned scarlet.

"K-Kyle," you mumbled. Alex jumped up.

"I knew it!" he exclaimed, making a look of fear flash across your face.

"Is it that obvious?" you asked, looking at all of them.

"No not really. Besides, Kyle thinks you like someone else, so you're safe," Alex assured you.

"For now," Jake said in between fake coughs.

"If you say anything to Kyle, I swear-"

"Say what to me?" You turned around to see a smiling Kyle looking at the six of you.

"Y-you're early," you said quietly.

"Actually, you're late. We're playing Truth or Dare so sit down," Max said diligently. Kyle sat down across from you, in between Jake and Alex.

"Anyway, truth or dare Jake?" you asked nervously. Now that they knew, it was a lot more of a risky game for you.


"I dare you to let me do your make-up," you snickered. He groaned.

"I'm going to use one of my chicken-out's for that, there's no way I'm wearing make-up," Jake said, earning chuckles from the others. "Truth or dare, Kyle?"

"Dare." You gulped silently and shot daggers at Jake.

"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Kiera." All five of the boys, except Kyle, who was blushing fiercely, grinned and high-fived each other. Kyle got up and walked over to you, giving you hand up so that you could both walk to the hall closet.

Once inside, you noticed him getting sweaty and fidgeting his fingers. "Y-you don't have to d-do this," you whispered. He shook his head.

"I know," he whispered back, stepping closer to you in the small space. You tilted your head up and suddenly felt his soft lips on yours, inviting you in to his warmth. He put one hand on your cheek and the other on your waist, pulling you closer. You felt tingles spread throughout your body as he did this, happy that your wishes were finally coming true. Realizing six minutes had passed, you pulled apart, taking in larger breaths. Kyle was looking at you with admiration, making you blush. "Kiera, I-"

"Time's up, lovebirds!" Alex called. You both walked back into the living room and sat down awkwardly. Finn winked and nudged you, making you slap his arm. "So how was it?" Alex asked Kyle, also nudging him. Kyle smirked.

"All I can say is, you're a very good kisser Kiera." The rest of the boys grinned and looked at you excitedly, making you shrink in your spot.

You played Truth or Dare for an hour or so more, only having to kiss Alex and Marco. "Do you guys want snacks?" you asked, getting up from your spot on the floor. They all nodded.

"I'll help you," Kyle said, following you into the kitchen.

"The Doritos are in the bottom cupboard," you told him, looking in the fridge for some soda. You grabbed a couple soda cans and set them on the counter for the boys. When you turned around, you noticed Kyle was right behind you.


"Yeah?" you whispered.

"Would you uh, wanna go on a date sometime?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck. You nodded, kissing his cheek and mentally screaming.

"Where are the snacks?!" Finn yelled from the living room. You giggled and brought the food in for the hungry teenagers.

Maybe it was a good thing to tell them..


I hope you liked it Kiera! Sorry it's so short, I wrote this before school so I had to hurry.

Don't forget to comment or inbox me if you'd like your own imagine. I take all requests!

Also, if you guys could inbox me/comment ideas, that would be awesome. Love you all! xx

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