He's the school nerd

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You gathered your things, heading out of English. Trying to remember the shortcut to your next class, you stared at the ground while you walked. Suddenly you felt something bump into you, and you and your papers/textbooks fell to the floor with a loud THUD! You rubbed your arm which you had fallen on, groaning to yourself.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going oh my gosh are you okay I'm sorry," you heard someone babble. Looking up, your heart started to beat a bit faster at the cuteness standing in front of you.

"It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going either," you smiled, joining him in picking up your papers. He gave you a shaky hand up and handed you your papers/textbooks. "Thanks. Are you okay?"

He pushed up his glasses and nodded. "Hey look, the nerd is flirting with Y/N!" Someone shouted, pointing at you and Y/C/N.

"I'm f-fine," he said, face as red as a firetruck as he shuffled away to the boys' bathroom. You shot a glare at the person and hurried off to class, feeling bad for Y/C/N.

Later that day, in the last period of the day, Y/C/N showed up with his head hung low. You frowned and walked over to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?"

Y/C/N looked up at you with puffy red eyes. "N-no," he mumbled, pushing up his glasses.

"Is it okay if I sit by you?" you ask politely. He nodded and gave you a small smile, showing off his dimples. You grabbed your things and sat down by him, asking about himself. As the class went on, you learned more and more about him. By the end of the period, and school day, you had found that he was way more than just adorable. He was also funny, creative, and of course smart. You became good friends and decided that you'd sit at lunch together the next day.

When the bell rang for lunch the next day, you smiled to yourself and hurried towards the cafeteria with your lunchbox in hand. You looked around, and finally saw him sitting at a table by himself in the corner. Y/C/N caught your eye and gave a small wave. As you started walking over to him, you noticed a group of boys coming up behind him, and froze.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," one of them spat.

"I saw you flirtin' with Y/N yesterday," another one stated, now leaning against the table. He shook his head and let out a low chuckle. "You'll never be good enough for her," he said again, stealing an apple from Y/C/N's lunch. You had enough and stomped over to them.

"Listen up, jerks," you started, slamming your lunchbox down on the table, "If anyone here isn't good enough for me, it's you." By now everyone was looking at you, silence spreading over the cafeteria until a stream of Oooooh!s flowed through. A few people snickered and pointed at the dumbstruck boys. Y/C/N gave you a grateful look and smiled.

"What, you care for this loser?" he scoffed, trying to hide his disappointment. You took a step closer to Y/C/N, your confidence building up like bricks.

"Yes, in fact I think he's adorable. Much cuter than you," you retort, stepping even closer to Y/C/N. The boy scoffs and walks away with the group of boys trailing behind him. "Good riddance," you muttered. You looked at Y/C/N, who had a major blush on his face. He was looking at you in awe.

"Y-you think I'm c-cute?" he asked. By now the cafeteria had gone back to its normal loudness. You nodded and looked at your feet, slightly embarrassed. "Y/N, w-would you want to go on a d-date with m-me?"

You smiled widely and sat down next to him. "I'd love to," you replied happily, and kissed his cheek before the teachers scolded you for PDA (Public Display of Affection).

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