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go ahead and skip this part if you want, it is just how they got there and what their ultimates are  

also, English isn't my main language so there might be errors or stuff like that

 this is my first story so bear with me, please

no pictures or anything because I don't know how to draw and I would probably just leave it halfway done

I don't really ship anyone other than madeleine and espresso so:

-no mint x cocoa

-no almond x latte

-no pastry and red velvet

-no ships in general other than the one previously mentioned and it will only be hinted

-if there's a part that you feel could be a ship go ahead and think of it however you want to, actual ship, platonic, or just not shipping them in any way

-there will be many of my hc, so it will be far from canon 

-and there won't be any children here, they're too young

if you don't agree with any of this feel free to leave whenever you want


"ugh.. where am I?" I asked myself before noticing that I wasn't in my classroom anymore, but before anything, I should tell you how I got here

*pretty flashback*

Hi, my name's raspberry cookie I'm a freshman in the most prestigious school in the whole earthbread, the parfaedia institute, I'm the ultimate swordswoman, that's it for the introduction but now, how I got where I am right now, I don't remember much but I do remember that just when I was about to enter the school I blacked out, I know it's not much information but I bet it will be useful in the future

"Hey! Are you ok?" I turned my head up to face a lady that seemed around my age "Hey~ can you hear me?" she said, "Yeah, nice to meet you, my name's raspberry cookie, what about yours?" I answered and she immediately said "The name's parfait cookie, I'm the ultimate guitarist, it is so nice to meet you! I bet you don't know anyone yet do you?" she answered with a really energetic tone "I don't, would you be so kind as to introduce me with the others?" I asked "Of course! Everyone here is so kind, well, almost everyone, but sure, you'll love them!" with that she grabbed my wrist and ran over to what seemed to be the gym

"There are more cookies than what I expected," I said right after entering, there were 14 cookies not counting me, and parfait "Yeah, but that doesn't matter, c'mon!" I followed Parfait to meet three cookies talking to each other, the first one to notice us was a brown long haired cookie, rather short and very pretty, "oh hello there, may I ask who is this you brought Parfait?" she said "Hey, go on, introduce yourself" parfait whispered, "right, my name is raspberry cookie, I'm the ultimate swordswoman, I come from the hollyberry kingdom, what about you guys?" I said and I noticed that one of them wasn't paying attention to practically anything I said. It was the minty-haired guy, he was... extremely tall "Hey did you listen to anything I just said?" I asked kinda annoyed "Hm? Oh sorry, I kinda zoned out, I think I did, you're raspberry... right?" I sighed in relief, he at least knew my name "Yeah, what's your name?" I asked "My name's mint choco cookie but please call me Mint I-" and there, I waited for him to finish his sentence but he kept looking everywhere as if he was looking for something "Hey? Hello?" Then he snapped out of whatever he was doing" Ah right, I was introducing myself, anyways, I'm the ultimate violinist, I think that's all you need to know for now" he said, "ok then, can I ask why do you keep, you know, zoning out?" I said and he simply looked at me and said "I'll tell you later, for now, you should get to know the others" he said and then the brown-haired one said, "Right, my name's cocoa cookie, I'm the ultimate..." I couldn't hear the rest of what she was saying because I noticed Parfait was whispering something, I didn't really get that either "Cool, and what about you?" I asked the last one, I couldn't see many of his facial features, he was covering himself like, a lot, he was wearing a hoodie and a face mask, and all I could see were his eyes and a bit of his hair, it was a bright shade of red "just call me vamps for now, as for my ultimate, I don't really remember what it was" I wonder why he couldn't remember his ultimate

"I think we're done here c'mon there's still 11 more" I heard Parfait say and then she ran over towards two other cookies simply sitting together doing practically nothing

"guys! you don't know raspberry cookies yet, do you?" asked Parfait, I think the answer was quite obvious but I guess she just wanted to make sure "Hm? I'm pretty sure we haven't met before have we?" it was yet another brown haired cookie, with a sassy tone "if we're going to introduce ourselves then let's do it fast shall we? I don't wanna waste more time with any of you" I immediately felt like this was one of the cookies that Parfait said wasn't nice, I already didn't like him "Well, go on, I don't have all day" he is truly annoying "my name is raspberry cookie, I'm the ultimate swordswoman, I'm from the hollyberry kingdom" I said in an annoyed tone "well then, I'm espresso cookie, I'm the ultimate mage, I'm from the crème republic, it's a pleasure to meet you" he said, I never thought I would actually meet someone from the crème republic but cookies from all earthbread come here so I should have expected it "and what about you?" I asked "My name's madeleine cookie, the ultimate paladin, also from crème Republic" What is he? his bodyguard or something? probably not, they don't even seem to get along "ok! Next group" 

yet again parfait dragged me to meet them, there were other two cookies flying, I imagine they were looking for a way out, I did hear them shout "Come on! if you're the ultimate detective you should've found a way out already!" "That's not what it means to be a detective!" I tried to get their attention by calling them, but they came down a little after "Hello!, my name's latte cookie, I'm the ultimate teacher! What about you?" she said, "I'm raspberry cookie, the ultimate swordswoman, can I ask you something?" "go on!" "aren't you too young to be a teacher?" I asked "I am but usually when the teachers are out I'm left in charge, turns out that my classmates learn better when I teach them" she said, it surprised me that such a young student could teach better than an actual teacher, and I think that she saw my surprised face  "anyways, what about you ultimate detective?" I asked "I'm almond cookie, as you know, I'm the ultimate detective, if something or someone is bothering you, let me know" he said, I feel a lot calmer knowing that we have someone to -protect- us "next!" said parfait and grabbed my wrist once again

the next two were talking, no, it's more like arguing "hello~, can you two stop fighting and introduce yourselves to raspberry?" said parfait "huh? another introduction!? fine... my name's twizzly gummy cookie, you might not believe me but I'm the ultimate time traveler" "Huh? you're from..." "The future? Yes" I couldn't believe what she was saying but I didn't want trouble so I just went along with it  "And I'm mala sauce cookie, I'm the chieftain of the Mala tribe so I guess I'm the ultimate chieftain" 

before I noticed Parfait was dragging me to the other three cookies "Hey guys, meet raspberry cookie!" they all turned to look at me "Omg it's so nice to meet you! I'm cherry blossom cookie, the ultimate picnic planer, who are you?" she said "I'm raspberry cookie, the ultimate swordswoman, a pleasure to meet you" "hi, my name's herb cookie, the ultimate gardener" "and I'm sparkling cookie, the ultimate bartender" a bartender? wasn't expecting that "How come you're a bartender, you're underage" "I'm actually a barista, I work at a Starbucks but for some reason, this little handbook says, bartender"

we went to talk with one "Hello, my name's raspberry cookie, I'm the ultimate swordswoman, what about you?" I said "I'm pastry cookie, the ultimate nun" and then went with the last one "Hey, red velvet, I want you to meet raspberry cookie, she's the ultimate swordswoman" At least I didn't have to introduce myself anymore, I was getting tired of saying the same exact thing all over again "hm? oh, I'm red velvet cookie, the ultimate breeder"


hehe, this is cringe

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