I look down at my phone. No, no, no. I know I will live with him soon, but not this soon. I have none of my stuff, no idea where to go, and now I have to sleep the night away.

"Want to watch a movie?" He says.


It's not like I have anything else to do all night.

He walks away, hoping I will follow. I really thought we would sit in the living room watching a movie, but no, Chase owns his own movie theater. I almost wonder what else he has in this house.

"What movie do you want to watch?" he says.

Crap, all I watch is K-drama and romance movies. I try to think of the more PG movies, and I spit out the first thing I think of.

"365 days"

Fuck, out of everything I could think of, why am I so stupid sometimes?

"Sure, whatever you want."

When the movie starts, I take a seat next to him.

A sex scene happened in the middle of the movie. I look at him, watching it play.

"Why aren't you watching? He says.

He caught me starting.

I could feel my pussy throbbing through the sounds of the movie playing.

I say nothing, looking back at the movie. He then stands up, moving next to me and putting his hand on my thigh, coming closer to me.

"Admit it."


"Admit what?"

"If I put my fingers in your pussy, would you or would you not be soaking wet?"


I knew he would hate it, but I loved calling him by his full name.

He tightens his grip on my thigh.

"What did I tell you? No one has called me that in years."

"There's always a first for everything, Charles."

"Say it again, I dare you; see what I will do; you'll be begging for more when I'm done."

"Beginning for what, Charles?"



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