Chapter 25.

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Bella Pov:
I walk over to the snacks which the photoshoot organisers had layed out and examine all the things i would no doubt be sneaking into my purse,

i'm cheap and love free food what can i say...

I hear footsteps approaching behind me, quite heavy footsteps might i add but brush it off, as there is constant racket on photoshoot sets,

Sean: 'your lover girl made quite a mess of my face' I roll my eyes and look over my shoulder 'might want to warn her, i hold grudges' he mutters in my ear, his breathe hitting my neck

he reaches around my body rather predatorish, i feel uncomfortable in his company, a rare feeling considering i try to surround myself with people who are good for my anxieties and comfort

Bella: 'Sean' i say and bow my head grabbing a plate and loading it with potato salad and hummus and veggies, a healthy snack which will prevent bloating for the further pictures 'i didn't know you were doing this shoot' i say in an attempt to be mature

Sean: 'Anything i can get i do' He smirks 'unlike your friend Kendall, cherrypicking bitch' he murmurs in a almost threatening tone, i hum and place a few spoonfuls of rice onto my plate

Bella: 'Ken works just as hard as the rest of us, she may have got a head start from her mum, but who hasn't' I say with a smug look, knowing i had just silenced him

Sean: 'I could have been so good for you Isabella' Just a mention of my full name pulls Y/n back into my mind, she's my girl, everything reminds me of her now.

Bella: 'You and i both know that is in fact bullshit Sean, you've cheated on every girl you've ever been with' I reply, becoming rather anxious under his flat out stare

Sean: 'What and you haven't?' He groans 'You and I and the media all know the reason you and Abel ended' He commands my attention at this sentence

'The ever loyal Isabella, fucking anyone she can all except her superstar boyfriend' He whispers adjusting his sunglasses from his face revealing a utter state of a black eye

Bella: 'You and i both know Abel wasn't very loyal either, i simply became a bitch and repayed his quote on quote "loyal arse"' I reply and grab a bottle of water and a small ginger shot, he grabs my arm and pulls me back forcing me to look at him

Sean: 'Once you get bored of your tough girl lover you will be sprinting back to Abel, or even me, like last time' He sniggers 'Remember that night in Ibiza Bels' I shudder at the thought of the night, i regretted it with every inch of my being

'A night to remember in your exact words' He smiles, then caresses my face 'I can give you things your damaged, emotionally unstable girlfriend can't'

Bella: 'Like fuck you can Sean' I glance up into his eyes 'Your dick was as thin as a pencil and the length of a cocktail sausage, even drunk i didn't feel a thing little guy' I say, without a second though his eyes darken and he grabs my upper arm

Sean: 'Spread a lie like that ever again and i won't just be coming for Y/l/n, i will be coming for you and your precious family' I laugh and move out of his grip

'Tell y/n to watch out for me, or don't, the element of surprise will give her tall arse no chance' he says as i begin walking away, i sit down next to my assistant and hough

Bella: 'never book me on a shoot with that insecure dick ever again' She nods and adds it to her notes

'i won't ever again Bella' she replies and hands me my phone

Bella: 'has y/n answered?' I question and look at her with a hopeful glance, she simply shakes her head and hands me my phone,

why hasn't she answered?

Emily's perfect body too busy distracting her probably...

Y/n Pov:

Y/n: 'I think we are done for the day' I say and watch as emily makes deep and long eye contact with me, her perfume looming around the room like an air diffuser

Anna: 'Oh it's looking perfect y/n my dear' I smile and thank her giving her a kiss on the back of her hand and taking the keys from her, reassuring her i will lock up the building, which has quickly become an almost religious everyday practice,

Anna marches out of the room with her army of assistants following her, leaving me and emily alone together... again

Emily: 'you truly know how to captivate a girls body Y/n' She says and places her hand on my nearest shoulder to her, doing the thumb thing on my bicep

Y/n: 'It's to be expected when your as attracted to the female body as i am' I mutter in response and play around with the bracelet around my wrist

Emily: 'you know what' She whispers, i hum and begin packing up my shit 'you really have a way with words y/n/n' I smile at the stupid nickname and turn around, leaning against the window ledge and lighting up a cigarette

Y/n: 'oh really?' i ask and look her up and down, in a completely non sexual way of course, simply to inspect her body language 'i've been told that before but i don't get the hype' I inhale and exhale upwards

'must be the accent' i say with a smile

Emily: 'or the fact that you are indeed sexy as fuck, and could have anyone you want, yet stay loyal to one person at a time' I look down at the ground then back up to meet her intense glance

Y/n: 'Your too kind Ratijowski' i puff my cheeks out and adjust my hoody, pulling the hood up,

Emily: 'What are you doing tonight?' She asks, i smile and lick my lips making sure they weren't chapped or anything

Y/n: 'Going home, making dinner, going to sleep, i think bella might be coming around' She "oh's" then gives me a glance i just can't reject

'you could come back if you want, i think i'll just be making pasta, or something simple' I say unable to say no or be rude to anyone unaware of the looming consequences of the question i had just asked

Emily: 'I would love to Y/n' she says with the widest grin i have ever seen painted on her face

This is not going to go down smoothly with a certain Hadid sister...




(there both so fine i swearrrr)

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(there both so fine i swearrrr)

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