chapter one

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chapter one - hearty dinner

d e c e m b e r · 1 s t , m o n d a y
5 : 0 0 P M

han watched the hour hand of the watch strapped to his left wrist hit five and dropped his arm to his side with a sigh. the battle axe he had gripped tightly in his right hand glowed a magnificent light and disappeared in a bright flash, a chained ruby earring taking its spot in his hand. he attached the ruby earring back to its' rightful place dangling from his ear and decided on heading home.

"oh, han! you're back." the boy's mother turned her head to give him a welcome home smile that he gladly returned as he sat down in a chair at the kitchen counter. "how was school today? anything fun happen?"

han pondered for a moment, scanning his mind through the days events, but found nothing even remotely fun that happened at school. not that he would ever expect anything fun to happen at school. the boy shook his head. "nah. just the usual."

"how about that project for biology?" she returned her attention to the oven with their dinner of lasagna baking inside, making sure it hadn't burned, yet.

"oh, mr. jin is assigning partners for that tomorrow."

she hummed in response and pressed a button on the oven that beeped, then turned to face han from across the counter, her weight leaned against the counter. she raised a brow and a grin rose to her face.

"anybody that, i don't know... stands out?" she asked in a low voice. han groaned at this.

"mom! we've talked about this!" he crossed his arms with a small pout. "i don't plan on seeing anyone till either junior or senior year. i have to focus on my studies."

"i know, i know. i just wish that you'd open up a little more. give the girls a chance, you know?" she said with a worried smile, then leaned in and continued in a whisper, "or hey, i'm sure the boys there are cute, too. if that's what you're into."

han let out a sigh and smiled playfully at his mother. he knew she was only trying to help him, he didn't blame her. the boy was already in his second year of high school and he had yet to make a single friend. it's not that he didn't want friends, he actually kind of yearned for them. but, there was no way he could ever become friends with anyone. he couldn't risk it.

his mother noticed her son's saddened look and fought back a frown. she put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a warm smile.

"it's completely your choice, han. if you don't want to make friends or find a special someone, then i'll support your decisions. just know that i will always be there for you, no matter what. okay?"

he nodded with small smile on his face. he didn't deserve her.

she dismissed him from the kitchen, claiming that he was "distracting" her from her cooking, which probably wasn't wrong, and told him to go finish whatever homework he had left. fortunately for him, he'd already finished his homework at school so instead, he hopped in the shower and cleansed himself.

finished with the shower, he dressed himself in a simple white t-shirt and pastel blue sweatpants, deciding on leaving his hair a tangled, ragged mess as he was too tired and too lazy to comb it. once out of the bathroom, the smell of delicious lasagna filled the air and han could feel himself salivating.

he eagerly made his way down the stairs where the smell of lasagna was strongest and entered the kitchen. at the dining table located right next to the kitchen, there were two plates of lasagna and a medium-sized bowl of salad set on top of placemats. this brought a big smile to the boys' face as his mother sat down in one of the seats and motioned for him to join her.

he sat down in an instant and, after kindly thanking his mother for the delicious dinner, started eating. the two of them, mother and son, ate and chatted away as if there were no worries in the world, smiles plastered on their faces.

if only things could stay like this forever. but, as they saying always goes: "the bad will always be balanced out with the good and the good will always be balanced out with the bad."

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