Indie - I Think I'm In...Love

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I open the letter my father gave to me when I still lived in Tennessee. I rip it up screaming knowing that no one's home except maybe Nickolis. But I don't care. Anger fills my lungs. My eyes burn as I keep screaming pulling things down off the walls in my room, throwing things off my furniture and my window seat. Tears stream my face as I hear the door open. "Is everything okay?" I see a figure but it's blurry from my tears. I wipe my tears as Nickolis picks up a piece of crumpled paper off the floor of my messy room.

I snatch the piece of paper out of his hand and sit on my bed, burying my face in my hands sobbing. I'm kinda glad that Felix didn't see me like this. I'm ugly. Nick sits next to me as I asked through sobs. "Where's Your mom?"

"Sick with Amilla. While we were at school, they went to Waffle House."

I nod. "you know, you're not that bad." I sniff wiping my tears off Felix's hoodie.

He nudges me, "Mama's gon' kill you when she finds out that you hop in a car with that tall boy."

"Don't tell her."

He shrugs, "okay, but you have to stop screaming, got it?" He gets up. Strangely, he reminds me of Uncle Kimmy a little.

"Nick," He stops and slouches against my doorframe, "Okay, I'll do it, but can you help me clean my room?"

At school, I tell Felix. He hugs me. I think I'm Strangely, I like this feeling of addiction and dopamine running through every muscle, every particle, and every cell in my body. I think I love him. I look down at my feet. "Felix, I love you," I murmur underneath my breath.

"I love you, too." He lifts my face. He wipes my tears away. And he tucks my curly mess behind my ear. I kiss him softly. The pressure of his lips feels so true, so valuable. He's nothing like the boys back in Tennessee, he's a man. My man. I hug him. It's sad we don't have science together.

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