Caleb and Sadie hang out

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SUP FUCKERS! :) I decided to not sleep and entertain the 0 people who read my Cadie fanfiction so I great day/night/evening/ afternoon/ dawn.


Sadie: *Gets eggs and waffles juice and fruit and a vegetarian omelet.* *sits down by herself since there were no open seats*

Caleb: Hey Sadie can I sit?

Sadie: Sure.

Caleb: Btw I loved your acting yesterday in my opinion, it's the best acting I've seen in my whole life! *Notices Sadie blushing hard* *smiles* I'm sorry about yesterday that was a rude way to greet my new cast member and you're a young lady and I was not being gentleman that was quite rude of me to not even shake your hand I apologize for the foolish act I performed may I ask for your forgiveness?

Sadie's Mind: Gosh he's so handsome and such a gentleman. He's like the man of my dreams but it's to early I need to get to know him.

Sadie: Ofc! I forgive you I didn't take it as anything negative after all.

Caleb: *Smiles* 


Caleb: I guess I see you on set in *checks watch* 4 minutes I better get going bye *hugs Sadie*

Caleb's Mind: She gives great hugs I feel so warm..... I just wanna hug her forever and never let go and her blue eyes sparkle every time I see her in the sunlight, the hoodie she's wearing looks so badass on her I better let go it's been a minute of hugging her it's probably weird now.

Sadie Mind: Awww he's so sweet I can't imagine my life without his hugs. He's so handsome I just want to kiss him all day long. I better let go it's been a minute, I CAN'T HELP IT I NEED TO PECK HIM ON THE CHEEK AT LEAST!

Sadie: *let's go of him*

Caleb: Let's go of her*

Sadie: Bye Caleb it was the nice talking with you *Peck's him on the cheek*

Caleb: Bye Sadie! *Sadie pecks him on the cheek* *blushes like a tomato*

-They walk away from each other-

Gaten and Dustin: *Hypes Caleb up* BRO YOU DID DO GOOD *Gaten checks off the first step to talk to Sadie on his clipboard* YOU GET A STAR *Noah puts a star on Caleb's green shirt that says (YOU HAVE TALKED TO SADIE! PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK) *Caleb loved it*

Hey guys! I DID IT I stayed up and did a page! I want to do one more tonight see you there and those who don't know what "peck" is it's when you kiss someone but very quickly bye-bye!

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