~ Skirt ~

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Description: Seonghwa has fallen in love with the look of Hongjoong's soft thighs in a pretty skirt. And Hongjoong's noticed.

Details/TW: Cross dressing-ish, thigh fucking, fucking raw, and Hyung kink.


   Seonghwa had been eyeing Hongjoong up and down recently. After Ateez's comeback with Inception Hongjoong has taken a liking to skirts, wearing them occasionally and adding them to his daily outfits. And every time he did wear those pretty skirts, Seonghwa couldn't help but stare at the younger constantly. Imagining the many ways he could fuck him in that skirt.

   He couldn't stop himself from imagining the dirty things he wanted to do to Hongjoong, especially his thighs, god Seonghwa loved Joong's thigh. And they were only prettier with those lovely skirts that Hongjoong chose to wear. Often taking out his sexual frustrations in the shower or late at night, Seonghwa fantasized about Hongjoong constantly. And it seemed like every day he was just getting closer and closer to his breaking point.

   Today Hongjoong had decided to wear his red knit skirt with black pants underneath, dressing up the entire outfit, and even adding some make up, that he did on his own. He felt so confident and pretty in those skirts. Atiny would give him so many compliments, and he loved the attention he would get, including from Seonghwa.

   Hongjoong begun to notice the glances and looks up and down when he wore such skirts around the dorm. The attention from the older made him feel some type of way, he wasn't sure what exactly to call it but Seonghwa's intense eyes made him feel weak to the knees. And it turned him on in a strange way. Was it lust? Sexual frustration? Or did he really want Seonghwa as more than a friend? Lover? Boyfriend? Those thoughts always made him blush, he knew the answer- but refused to acknowledge it. Still, he started wearing skirts more often in hopes of gaining more attention from his hyung.

   Hongjoong had gotten ready for the day before saying bye to his members, giving a little more attention to Seonghwa, and leaving to the studio. He was working on new songs, he wanted to produce more for Atiny and felt like he was lacking in the group. Honestly, he was a bit stressed and frustrated, maybe he'd release some stress later today.

   Seonghwa loved how Hongjoong would look up at him when he was standing close, he found it so cute and wanted to wrap his arms around his small body. Seonghwa was finding himself fantasizing more about the boy. About fucking his soft thighs, watching him masturbate while wearing a skirt, fucking him to the point of over-simulation and making him cry with tears of pleasure, but- it was also a bit more than that, he fantasized about movie nights with Hongjoong and wanted to become closer with the young rapper. And when Hongjoong left the dorm, headed to the company, Seonghwa wanted to follow, anything to be closer with him.

   Seonghwa sat in the dorm silently debating if he should go and see what Hongjoong was up to, making up many excuses for showing up at the company, like- "I just wanted to do some solo dance practices," or "I wanted to help you write/record," Seonghwa wasn't sure which excuse to go with. Eventually it had been an hour since Hongjoong had left for the company and he decided to figure out his excuse on the way there. Seonghwa wanted to see Hongjoong, he looked so cute today, maybe he'd ask him out to go eat somewhere or something like that.

   Hongjoong on the other hand was in a studio room pacing around the room. The track he was working on replayed over and over again in the back ground. He felt like he had lost all inspiration at that moment. Like all those years of training were for nothing. He could not do anything to this track. He had no idea what he was doing with it. He had been working on this one track for over two days and has spend the last 25 minutes adding to the track then deleting it, writing lyrics to somehow fit the tempo or melody, only to throw it away. Nothing was working. It was so frustrating!

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