Chapter 5

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Kaimana kept away from Makana after that. They both made sure of that. Makana stayed at the highest point on the island. It was the best place to scope out the island. It was huge with thick vegetation and just like Maui said it was full of fruit trees. Schools of fish swam the channels surrounding the island and there was also a large water fall fed from an underground spring. The only thing missing was caves but otherwise it was perfect for dragons. Makana knew it wouldn’t last. She had to come up with something soon. Makana often took late night flights to strengthen her wings after the other dragons were asleep. She had a feeling the return trip was going to be more difficult. She also took the opportunity to venture out past the shallows to explore. Even though she was a sun dragon she could see very well in the darkness. Something in the water caught her attention. It was a large sail caught on some rocks. This gave her an idea. It was a little torn but it would work for what she had in mind. Makana stashed it where none of the other dragons would find it. Now all she needed was a boat.

It had been a couple of weeks since she had returned but now she was ready. Makana had gathered as much fruit, particularly bananas, into the sail and took flight. The bag of fruit was surprisingly light as she flew over the ocean. Large waves rose and fell below her as she found the stars she was looking for. It took longer than expected as she was going against the wind but she eventually did find the island she was looking for. She dropped the bag on the beach and shifted to human form. The human dwellings were dark as she approached the boats. They were surprisingly small but they would have to do. She tied a long rope around the bow and looped the other half around her back leg. The canoe was too small to hold the bag of fruit so she had to carry that in her front claws. The trip was much more difficult now and the ocean wasn’t helping. Every time the waves dipped down the rope would force her down. Makana had to bite through the pain each time as she headed toward the fish hook constellation. Thunder rumbled in the distance but the Makana ignored it as it was far away or so she thought. The storm seemed to move towards her and the ocean seemed to push her in that direction. The storm wasn’t nearly as bad as the one that had knocked her out of the sky during the migration. She was able to stay in the air easily enough but suddenly she was pulled down to the water. She turned in time to see the spines and tail of a massive monster that had grabbed the canoe. Makana was forced to cut the rope before being pulled under the water herself. She rose above the storm clouds where it was calmer. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Makana sighed. “Well at least I still have the fruit.”

Maui looked across the horizon for anything. He sighed in disappointment again. The sound of wing beats caught his attention. He turned to look but didn’t see anything then true to form he made out Makana’s shape emerging from the setting sun.

“Hey Maui! I brought you something.” Makana said as she set the massive bag of fruit down.

“Oh nice!” Maui celebrated. “What about a boat?”

“About that.” Makana sighed.

“You didn’t get one.” Maui said. It wasn’t a question.

“No I got one. It just got eaten by a monster before I could get it here.” Makana informed him shaking off a rope from her back leg.

“It’s alright.” Maui assured.

“Don’t worry I can try to get another.” Makana promised opening her wings to take off.

“Whoa, whoa you don’t have to go. Just bring it on your next run.” He requested.

“Ok.” She agreed.

“So, that fire you left is still burning.” Maui commented as he picked up the bag of fruit.

“Yeah it will unless I either die or command it to go out. Is it bothering you?” Makana asked.

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