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I woke up when i Heard male voices around me the moment i opened my eyes i saw 4 men crouching down towards the guy i just beat before dozing off the four man were busy  in examining him and another guy was standing on the door watching me it startled me when i laid my eyes upon him the guy looked to be in his late 40s and was kinda buff , upon seeing me he instantly scowled and said so you are the girl who beat one of my very strong man and lets not forget the other 15 from the earlier fight ,
I gave him a poker face and got up after dusting the clothes i made my way towards him and stood in front of him the man looked taken a back by my confident state and said ,
I ve heard that you want to join a mafia ? ,He asked
Yes i said then nodded the man smiled and said what a great way you have to show that you are willing to join us he said , i didn't answered him i guess its the only way man can understand that women are not that dense and will  answer each of their questions.
The man than said , very well than you must follow me with that he walked out of the room with me trailing behind him we passed many rooms and a grand hall which was filled with scary looking man , we reached an office and the man entered through the smaller  door
He sat on the big office chair and motioned me to sit on the smaller chair in front of him ,
After making a couple of calls he looked at me and said congratulations i have asked the manager and he said to bring you to the main campus.

And where is that ? I asked.

That's for us to know and you to find out he stated and i nodded .

Okay fist thing you do is clean up i will ask the boys where your original clothes are than we'll provide you with something to eat and then you can leave for the test ,
Okay i replied .
After cleaning up and eating a paratha  i was redy to leave they blind folded me and one of them grabbed my upper arm and leaded me towards the way after walking a couple of minutes the man said crouch down we are entering the truck i did what i was told .

I was doubt ful that they might take me some where else and the negative thoughts were making my head clouded  with disturbing thoughts.

Finally the vehicle stopped and we i was escorted out and leaded to somewhere unknown, then my blind fold was removed by some man and i could finally see ,
The place was ironic it was huge and beautiful and it also had huge chandelier s and furniture was totally mind blowing seriously it just looked like i not in Pakistan anymore ,
After crossing many halls and rooms we finally reached a massive steel gate
What ,
It just feels like
Dabe main daba ,
Dabe main cake ,
But this daba might not have a cake in it though,
Why am i thinking about such ridiculous stuff when this environment was supposed to be tense ,

After reaching the gate one of the man went forward and opened a small compartment like room and the steel gate opened maybe they have their weapons here thats why they keep it secured .
When we entered the steel gates i saw a large ground after entering their i saw so many buff man fighting with each other and practicing without their weapons .
The man who was giving instructions to everyone one saw me and walked toward me i inhaled and exhaled to keep my self calm the man gave me an eerie vibe , he stood right infront of me and said okay so you are the girl whats your name give me an intro
My name is syeda khirat batool i am syed by cast and my surname is rizvi .
I told him he smirked and said it looks like the mighty syed s are not that much religious after all , what did we do to have your presence here huh ?
Well for your kind information i. Religious but i am a bit psycho soo.
Yeah , the man gave me a strange look and said what are your specialities?
I m good at fighting and boxing i know the basic karate and iam good at using knives as well i also know how to hack systems, but iam not good with guns though the man nodded and said you seem pretty useful to me you would be lucky if boss Ibrahim takes you under his wing . With that he walked away .
I fought many people again and again and my stamina was gone now about 45 people to be exact were against me , i was doing good through out these men were strong but they were not fast enough to beat me the manager gave me an appreciating nod and said i have recorded the whole fight and it is sent to the mobsters of Pakistan as well as mobsters who are from abroad i nodded at him still panting with all the fighting ,
Exhaustion was killing me from inside i asked the man if he could provide me with a room to rest then he nodded and asked one of the guards to show me the ladies room .
The place was enormous so it took time to reach that place the pink door finally came and the man told me that this place is for the strippers to stay and i entered upon seeing me the decorated girls who were lacking decent clothing bombarded with questions
E.g ;are you a whore
Are you here as a make up artist
Where are you from etc
I decided to stay quiet and i fall on the nearest bed and let the sleep consume me
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