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The dancing bodies of hundreds of humans were something i ve never seen in my whole life cuz this is pakistan never have i ever imagined it to be like this
This club was nothing more than a scary nightmare for modest people the thing that shocked me the most was the amount of girls here and damn what the heck were they wearing,
The short tight shirts along with skinny jeans and there cleavage was on display not to mention how they were grinding against the men
God i cant believe it the smell of alcohol was making me want to puke this whole place was not good
I was walking behind the boss and kept my head straight,
We entered into what looked like a VIP cabin , the walk inside was short but the tense environment inside was eating me inside out this place was sound proof so we couldn't hear anything from outside , finally we reached the sitting area , where we found non other than Mr Lashari himself sitting there with a bottle of something alcoholic
Well i dont know what it is exactly because i ve never seen alcoholic supplies before ,
He said gleefully,
Look who we have here my old forgotten friend ,
Ibrahim Aydin
I cant even believe you brother after so long you ve finally came to my humble home he said quiet dramatically ,
Boss nodded at him and said yeah i remember the last time we met you were not this friendly towards me !
He let out a scary yet humorless laugh ,
Yeah i remember,
He nodded
Well you know why iam here in front of you after so long ,huh ?
He shook his head and shrugged,
Well i want to give our  friendship a chance he said
Lashari raised his eyebrows in question,
I am here to ask you about your daughters hand in marriage  ! He stated so calmly and yet all of us were shocked to here that ! So thats what  his plan is , to take to take down the lashari's .
He looked at the boss and said for which one of your sons's ,
I would say for Suleiman because yousuf is young ,

Okay let me think !
No no brother theres nothing to think about we are a good family and my son will take care of your daughter with all his heart
On hearing that he laughed and said lets face it , we all know that these marriages have no meaning except for business and i think you and i both know that your son will do the same what we both did with our late wives ,
No i will make sure he doesn't cheats on her ,
Wow really the boss has got some balls to lie right on his face
I really admire your lying skills boss
Keep going,
Okay i think i like your proposal
And i am looking forward to give it a shot,
Boss nodded
I was still thinking when my eyes fell on a female wearing a bikini walked inside with a tray which contained glasses filled with some drink ,
She served the drinks to every one then she came towards me by swaying her hips i think she doesn't knows that iam a girl ,
He leaned down towards me giving me a whole view of her partially hidden cleavage,i shook my head in a flat no ,
She insisted but i still didn't accepted her drink she pouted and atarted whining and this got everyones attention Mr lashari told me not to refuse the drink but i told him i dont drink , upon hearing that he looked at me with bewilderment ,
You are a girl he said pointing his finger at me !
And i nodded boss chuckled and said yeah meet my personal body guard and assassin Katara .
Mr lashari smirked and said does she gives her enemies good lap dances ?
I glared at him on that ,
No i answered , but i make me enemies blind by stabbing their eyes with my dagger ,
I knew what i was doing even that bastard knew what i was doing ,he raised both of his hands in surrender and said easy girl ,
I nodded in reply the girl came and sat on lashari 's lap and grinded herself on him
He let out an animalistic moan and pulled her more towards his ass,
I was beyond ashamed on watching this so i closed my eyes not only ashamed but scared , disgusted, and horrified as well,
They all are animals .

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