||his beauty.||

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After everyone calmed down
"Okay so you will get in groups and play games this period okay? Okay!" Mr.won got up and went out the classroom
(I wish that was my teacher)
"Babessssss, Darlingggg~" Theo said "yes yanggg???" "Yes loveeee?" Keeho and jiung said, "cmonnn!!!" He got up and looked at them "please" Keeho looked at jiung "we would only have 3 people we would need at least 4!" Keeho said, "uhm.... Hey Intak Hwang guy! Be in our group!" Theo said not caring, "YOU CANT, I'm so sorry!" Keeho got up and bowed "if it isn't to much trouble would you like to join our group?" Keeho said kindly and trying to be as nice as possible "oh sure! If that's okay!" "It sure is please keep them under control." Jiung said "it isn't just a walk around the park with them it's a rollercoaster!" Offended Keeho said "kk but I'm good it's just the- AHAHAHAHAH!" Keeho laughed when Theo tripped on his shoelace, "kK bUt iM gOoD." Jiung rolled his eyes and helped Theo up "tie your damn shoes love."  Jiung said

(I'll do pov's from now on!!!)

I was laughing when I heard, "oh are you too dating?" I turned at looked at Intak about to shoot daggers at him and kick him out of the group then he said "cool I'm pansexual!" Everyone in the class looked at Intak like it was on que. "um gross." An girl named soll said "hm?" Intak said confused, "oh shit, BYE AHAHAHAHA GOTTA GO!" Theo said and ran out the class room "Uhm for your own good you might wanna Yknow, pull a Theo." Jiung said and he grabbed Keeho but Keeho didn't move. "Why?, and why is everyone looking at me gross?" Intak said a bit sad "cause uhm.. it's sorta a no homo thing school Yk?" Jiung said with sand was in his voice "yea but aren't you and Theo dating?" Jiung looked at Intak "yea that's why you might wanna leave." He pointed at keeho "hm?-" Intak looked at keeho and he felt scaredness hit him like a bitch. Keeho was staring daggers at the girl, not a hint of emotion, the thing his eyes said was "homophobic bitch all beat your ass." Type of thing
"Oh." Soll got scared cause she forgot Keeho was in the class. "OH IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT!!" She got up scared "the fuck did you say." Keeho said walking to the girl but got stopped by Jiung "ho calm down it's not that serious it's okay!" Jiung said "I- uhm yea I'm fine!!!" Intak said scared for the poor girl but then again she deserved it, Keeho Yanked his arm away not daring to look at Jiungs scowled face. "I'm sorry!!! I didn't mean it!" The girl said, classmates recording the whole thing, soul walked up to Keeho "hey ho calm your break- oh nevermind bye!" Soul walked out the classroom and watched from the window with Theo
"Again say it again." Keeho said. "I'm sorry I didn't I- I'm I didn't! You u-I'm miss heard! Yea I-I I'm..!!" Keeho rolled his eyes, "I'm not fucking deaf." He walked up to the girl.

Keeho slapped her
"YO WHAT THE HELL KEEHO." Jiung yelled and pulled Keeho back, Intak was just shocked. Not that he slapped her. HOW THE FUCK DID SOMEONE LOOK SO HOT WHEN PUSSED THE FUCK OFF.
"It doesn't matter really!" Intak said
"Whatever See you next period." Keeho got away from Jiung and walked out the class, "babe don't be mad!!!!" Theo said clinging onto keeho "please let me go I'm not mad Yang." Theo let go and frowned. "But I know you are just because of stupid homophobic people, YOU DONT EVEN KNOW THAT INTAK DUDE! Just stop doing that stuff! You aren't even gay it doesn't even matter.!!!!" Theo screamed and Keeho froze
"What the hell is wrong with you yang! I just want to-to help you! It doesn't matter about my sexuality!" "You never even told us what you were. I feel like I sorta can't trust you.." Keeho turned around eyes wide. "If I don't tell you my sexuality that means you can't trust me. what the hell is that." "YOU DONT GET IT KEEHO! It's not just that you don't tell us anything!? Nothing about you!! Now that I think about it I feel like all I KNOW. Is your name. We told you all about us. Not just me and jiung. Me mostly. It isn't fair why do you feel like a stranger!! I just feel like I can't trust you or what if you talk about me behind my back or! What if your homophobic and standing up for us just cause of money or some shit! I don't get it why do you defend us! It's not like we need your help!!!! Your making lgbtq+ people look like fucking losers in this school cause you like hold them in a ball and protect them!!!!! ITS NOT FAIR WE CAN DO STUFF OURSELF YOU KNOW!"  Theo was yelling and when he looked up he knew he messed up big time. Not in the 2 years of their friendship has he seen Keeho cry or about to cry. And there it was a Keeho with watery eyes. "OMG WAIT IM SORRY!" Theo was about to run to keeho when he was stopped, he turned around and saw Jiung, "what the hell did you do love?" Theo was crying now "I'm sorry i- i didn't mean to I didn't!! It just came out I don't like how he's just closed up with big walls around h-him.!" "Love that isn't a reason to lash out on him when he promised he would protect us." "I-i know I'm so sorry!!" "Why are you telling me baby? Tell Keeho not me." "He's gone t-tho!" Keeho ran away a while ago cause he couldn't hold in his tears "okay we will catch him later and you will apologize. Now come here" Jiung sat down and tried to calm Theo down 
(With keeho and Intak😉)
Keeho ran into a empty classroom and started crying really hard. He couldn't breath, his best friend just lashed out on him for trying to help them and not let them turn out like him. But he got yelled at. He hated it and how it was unfair
"W-what did I-i d-o" he choked on sobs. Intak swore he heard crying so he walked ti the classroom Keeho was in and opened the door, "OH MY ARE YOU OKAY! Keeho was it!" Intak said and sat by keeho fastly, "hey what's wrong!" Intak hugged Keeho "i-i"

Next part soon<3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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