Chapter 1

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YAY! Next story! I want to say thank you for being so patient! It's hard to write when you have a dozen WIPs, are low in inspiration and getting ready to graduate high school. It's been a hectic few months and my exams do start in October, so I won't be doing much updating then (you never know, I always seem to get inspiration when I'm trying to study) so until then, I'll be doing my best to try and balance my life out.

Anyways, on to the story!

Javi sat on a park bench, he had gotten his cast off a few days ago and could once again be a ranger, but he didn't feel quite ready. for the past few days, his dreams had been haunted by Boomtower's laugh, Void Knight's face (helmet?) and a strange black dinosaur roaring, causing him to wake up. He wasn't sure what these dreams meant, but he had a feeling they weren't good, he yawned and slumped back just as his communicator went off

"Javi, we need you by the docs, Void knight is attacking, and he had a Sporix beast with him" Zayto informed him

"on my way," Javi said, and after making sure no one was looking, he teleported away, he arrived at the docs to find the rest of his friends already morphed fighting a Sporix beast that seemed to resemble a Squid with guns

"Javi, hurry up and morph!" Ollie called out, Javi quickly morphed and ran towards the battle, slashing a few Hendgemen along the way

"Well, well, well. if it isn't the Black ranger, finally come out of hiding?" Void Knight's voice from behind him sent shivers up his spine, Javi turned and saw Void Knight standing behind him, his arm trembled as he held out his Cromosaber "oh, scared?" Void Knight taunted when he noticed Javi's arm shaking

"no-no," Javi said, trying to keep the fear out of his voice

"if that's the case, then why don't you attack me?" Void Knight spread out his arms, he even stuck his sword into the ground and attached his shield to his back, Javi's legs trembled as he circled Void Knight, both arms shaking as he tried to keep a steady hold on his Cromosaber searching for any traps or signs of deceit, meanwhile, Void Knight stood there patiently, watching his every movement, but Javi could practically see the smirk on his face, he quickly moved forwards to attack raising his weapon up high, but just before his Cromosaber could hit Void Knight, his arm stopped, as if it had been stopped by a barrier of some kind, no matter what Javi tried, he could not attack.

"wow," Void Knight's said, but to Javi felt like it was echoing all around him as his ears got fuzzy "can't even attack me when I'm defenceless. Pathetic" Javi watched as his vision wavered as Void Knight picked up his sword and sheathed it "you really are the weakest of the group"

"Javi!" he distantly heard Izzy call, but it was like she was a mile away

"see you soon," Void Knight mock saluted before he disappeared and suddenly, Javi felt his legs give out just as Izzy ran up and caught him

"Javi!" Izzy said as he shook his head "are you alright? what happened?"

Javi groaned as he tried to steady himself "I don't know, I was about to attack Void Knight, when all of a sudden, it was like my arm was frozen. Like it was stopped by something" Javi answered as the others ran up to him, in Zayto's hand was a Sporix

"are you ok?" Amalia asked worriedly

"I think so" Javi groaned, rubbing his temples "just a headache"

"let's head back to Dinohedge, have Solon do a scan," Zayto said, they nodded and teleported back to their base

"it might not be physical, but maybe something mental," Ollie said as they watched Solon scan Javi

"what do you mean?" Ayoin asked as Zayto joined them after putting the Sporix away

"Well, in WW2, when soldiers were captured and put in prisoners of war camps, they were heavily tortured and often starved. When they were rescued, they suffered the effects of PTSD. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" Ollie explained, seeing Zayto and Ayton's confused looks "some soldiers still suffer from it today, maybe Javi is going through something similar"

"maybe" Amelia agreed, Javi did show a few classic symptoms of PTSD; nightmares, flashbacks, and hallucinations to name a few, it made Amelia wonder though, did any of the past rangers suffer from PTSD? She wish they could contact past rangers to know, maybe a few of them could help Javi

"alright, the scans are complete," Solon said, putting the scanner away and turning to a computer "hmm, there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with Javi, so Ollie could be right"

Javi sighed heavily "great" he mumbled as he buried his face in his hands "I'm 22 and I'm suffering from PTSD"

"Don't worry Javi, we'll find a way to fix this" Zayto assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder

"Actually, there's no actual cure for-OW!" Ollie was cut off by Izzy, who stamped on his foot, hard.

"yeah, we'll help you," Amelia said and Izzy nodded, both ignoring Ollie's whimpering

"Thanks, guys. I think I'm uh-going to take a walk, clear my head" Javi said and teleported out before they could say anything. He arrived at his secret spot, which was perfect as he loved walking through the woods for inspiration or when he need to calm down after a heated argument with his dad, Javi shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and walked into the woods, humming a random tune. He walked for a while going in no particular direction when he saw a large clearing where a herd of deer were gazing, Javi sat down on a tree stump a few feet away and watched them, not wanting in intrude on their meal. Javi focused his gaze on one deer in particular, it was a relatively young deer, just matured into adulthood. the reason it stuck out for Javi was the white dot on its hind rump that roughly looked like a Treble Clef. Javi smiled seeing the deer he had named Melody safe, it was a month or two before he became a ranger when he first encountered Melody...


Javi walked through the woods, trying to steam off his anger. Javi rarely got mad, angry yes, but never mad. And 9/10 times that anger was directed at his dad, the dad who never supported him, the dad that was always disappointed in him, the dad that never listened to his son. The list goes on and on, but this time, Javi was mad because his dad had thrown out a guitar that was special to him, one that his birth mom had gotten him before the divorce, while his birth mom had never been at home much, she was the one who supported his dream, encouraged him to be himself and play music, the one who brought him his first guitar and his dad had just thrown it away. Worst of all, it was garbage day, so there was no way Javi was going to get it back.

Javi suddenly stopped in his tracks when he was a small brown lump a few feet away from him, walking slowly he saw that it was a deer, the deer looked up at him curiously, but made no movement to get away, upon a closer look Javi saw that the deer was injured. Javi whipped out his phone and called the Pine Ridge Wildlife center, a few minutes later a small van pulled up and two people walked out, wearing wildlife uniforms, they carefully examined the deer and found that she had sprained her leg and they had to take her back to get her treated, Javi decided to follow them. At the wildlife centre, Javi watched the doctor treat the Deer's leg and released her into a small pen with a few other animals until she recovered. Since Javi was the one to rescue her, the doctor suggested he should name her, Javi named her Melody because he noticed that one of her white spots resembled a treble clef. A month or two after Javi became a ranger, Melody was ready to be released back into the wild, Javi had watched her run gracefully into the woods, as if she was never injured in the first place.

*end of flashback*

Now, whenever Javi decided to take a walk in the woods, he always looked out for Melody's herd, noticing that the sun was settling, Javi stood up and walked a few feet away from the herd before teleporting home, not noticing the small green mischievous mushroom watching him from the other side of the woods.

it always baffles me why they never showed the rangers (especially Tommy and Trent to name a few) to suffer from PTSD, I get that it's a kid's show, but a lot of rangers had to have suffered a great deal. That's why I'm glad Dino Fury showed us that Ayion and Zayto are still haunted by the deaths of their previous teammates.

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