Chapter 3

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Hey guys! sorry this took so long, but with life, school, work and other stories needing to be updated as well as being published, this came out a little later than what I was hoping for.

Javi sighed as he slumped down next to Izzy at the dining table, Izzy looked up from where she was eating cereal "You ok, bro?"

"yeah, just had a rough night" Javi muttered, rubbing his eyes and Izzy nodded, even though the siblings were close, they were both still stubborn on occasion and if they were hurting, kept it to themselves. A part of her blamed their dad who often berated Javi into hiding his emotions, but another part of her blamed Javi's childhood bullies who always went out of their way to make her brother cry, knowing that Javi wout open up about his problems, she simply nodded and went to eating her breakfast as Javi poured himself cereal and orange juice

"I still don't get how you can have both milk and OJ at the same time" Izzy said and she sipped her coffee

"yeah well I can't have coffee and we're all out of hot chocolate and marshmallows, so Orange Juice is the next best thing" Javi shrugged, sipping his juice, Izzy shuddered at the thought of Javi having coffee as he tended to get a little...hyper, would be the delicate way of putting it.

"Hey Izzy, you ever feel guilty whenever we destroy a Sporix beast?" Javi asked her

"Not really. I've never really thought about it to be honest, but they do deserve it, I mean, they did destroy Rafkon, and we're not really destroying them, just...reverting them back into their weird squishy form. What brought this on?"

"Remember a few years ago, when Dad was telling us how killing a killer makes us worse than the killer themselves?"

"Javi, this is completely different. We destroy the Sporix for a reason, we're protecting Earth. We don't have a choice"

"What if we did?" Javi muttered


"nothing" Javi muttered, Izzy gave him a look but before she could say anything their Morphers went off "What is it Solon?"

"There's a Sporix beast in Greenly Woods, hurry!"

"on our way" Both siblings nodded at each other, before teleporting away. they arrived in Greenly Woods to see the rest of their team waiting for them, all around them they could see that many plants were wilted and the trees either had large slashes on them, or their leaves were a deathly yellow colour, even worse, several small animals such as squirrels, rabbits and a few birds were still and lifeless on the dead grass.

"woah" Izzy muttered

"It's like the plants have been poisoned," Amelia said sadly, cradling a wilted flower

"The Sporix beast must have done this. we have to find it before it can cause even more damage. Solon is trying to find an antidote to try and save the trees, she said it's too late to save the small plants, but we may be able to save the trees and some of the surrounding area" Zayto said

"We should split up, and cover more ground" Ayion suggested and they all nodded

"good idea. Ollie, you and Amelia will follow me to the north. Ayion, you Izzy and Javi will go west. Be careful" Zayto ordered

"we will" With that the 6 rangers split up into groups, unaware of a small green slime mushroom watching them from the trees

"looks like the Rangers are splitting up. perfect! Void Knight's plan is going perfectly!"

Javi wandered slowly through the woods, hating how the beautiful trees that always gave him a sense of peace were dying, next to him Ayion and Izzy looked at the trees sadly

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