Chapter 1 /hot girl/

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879 words
Toni's pov:

I woke up to the sound of my sister veronica making breakfast (FUCK LOPAZ)
I usually don't like to go to the first day of school since it's a bit chaotic and I'd love to ignore those stupid ass teachers asking what I did in the summer because I know damn well me sweat pea and fangs would be hunting every summer day.

But I was pretty exited to hear everything from pea and fangs since its a new school,my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of veronica slamming a plate infront of me she made me my favourite smoothie it contained blood couple of eyes and small pieces of brains sounds disgusting I know but a vampire gotta do what it gotta do 🤷‍♀️

I gave her a smile that she returned as she went to go ride her jeep, I'm a serpent so I have a bike instead and I wanted to wait for fangs and pea at fangs trailer it's usually where we hang out since it's small and hidden in the woods

I grabbed my black helmet with the southside serpents logo on it and put it on  with my southside serpent jacket. I know I shouldn't be that proud that I'm  a serpent but I'm a serpent by blood and that's how I choose my life as for veronica she'd rather stick to her "normal" life pfft boring

I hopped on and arched my back a bit since I was wearing really short black shorts just incase any ladies come my way they can get a nice view if you know what I mean 😉

I rode my bike and reached the woods I took off my helmet and let the cold breeze move my pink lock around it never gets old it's always so refreshing.

I'd have to walk for about 5 minutes to get to the trailer but as I was walking I noticed a foot print exept it wasn't the usual sneakers it was heels and I'd know it wouldn't be a girl for fangs because he's gay and he doesn't have any family

I was about to enter when I noticed a dagger on the floor I went to grab it but I quickly removed my hand. It was silver and that only means one thing

A hunter was or still is around

I quickly pulled my fangs out with my hands infront of my face like a boxer

I also noticed a strand of ginger hair it must be the one and only

The blossoms

Though I've never seen them in real life my family always used to tell me and sister scary stories about them and if we've done something bad they'd say that the blossoms would come at night and hunt us

At that time it worked because we were kids but no I have 2 years left to graduate and I'm not scared anymore I'm sure that a blossom would be nothing compared to me

I'm a topaz vampire aka the best kind there's no way I'd let a blossom even come close to me or even think about threatening me

I searched the trailer and it was clear not a person in sight I sat down feeling relieved I honestly wasn't in the mood for fighting which is unusual for me

I turned on the TV and waited till fangs and pea finished school I was about to call them when I heard a knock on the door it was fangs and pea holding a box of beer

"YO TINYY" sweat pea said in a very joyful voice a bit tooo joyful "hey sweats sooo how's school" fangs chimed in and said "there's this hot chick wed think you'd love" I smirked at the thought until pea said irritated "HE THINKS THAT BUT I WANT THAT CHICK YOU AINT HAVING NONE" I rolled my eyes

After I took a few sips of my beer I broke the silence by saying "so?? Who is this chick?"

"Her names something with a c wait let me think" fangs said

"CHERYL IT WAS CHERYL" pea shouted which made me flinch a bit

They went on blabbering and taking about how hot she is while I was trying to figure out where I've heard this name before and then it hit me

I cut off pea talking about her ass and shouted "HOLY FUCKING SHIT CHERYL BLOSSOM SHES A BLOSSOM"

sweats and fangs froze with eyes wide open

"DAMN NEVER CAN I GET SOME GIRLS UGH" he said while rolling his eyes

I then decided to not tell them about the dagger I found and let them discover it themselves I'm not trying to get NEAR ANY HUNTERS THIS YEAR um trying to lay low no one and no one indeed can find out I'm a vampire ESPECIALLY A TOPAZ

"Well it's getting late I'll see you guys at school" I winked as I got up and grabbed my helmet

Fangs and pea told me goodbye and I went back home I was about to ask veronica about the first day of school when till I saw her and archie making out as usual I gagged to myself and changed into my pj's and went to sleep

TAKE MY HEART♡VAMPIRE CHONI♡2022Where stories live. Discover now