Chapter 1!

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Aizawa passed out the exam papers, tossing the stapled papers onto everyone's table, first Aoyama's:


Then Mina's:


Then Tsuyu's:

"Kero." Then Bakugo's:

"Give it. This went on and on until Aizawa reached Kaminari's table. "Thank you, Aizawa-sensei." Aizawa gave him a brief look before placing a paper onto Kirishima's table. Kaminari leaned over to him.

"Hey Kiri."


"What do you think you'll get on this?" Kaminari was hoping he would say something like, "Awful", or "I'll be lucky if I get 10%" just so Kaminari knew he wasn't the only one that was absolutely screwed.

"Higher than you.

"Haha, very funny." He turned to Jirou, but before he could even say anything, Jirou pushed him away with her earphone cord.


"Yes ma'am." He turned back to his own desk and focused on the exam paper cover, hoping that looking at it enough would make the answers appear in his brain.

"You have 45 minutes. You may start."

Everyone turned the paper. Some quietly groaned, some eagerly wrote down an answer, and others stared at the question intently. Kaminari did none. Instead, he put his head on the table and sighed. He turned his head to Kirishima.


"Don't look at me, I know just as much as you do! Well, not really, I'm way smarter than you-"

"Noted." He grumbled. Back to trying to peek at the others work. However, it all came to no avail. The only person that he knew would have all the right answers was Bakugo, and he was writing so fast Kaminari couldn't see the answers. The rest were edging away from him, almost as if they knew he would look. He groaned again. In middle school, he probably would have answered half the paper by now. Middle school was just so easy, but THIS? This was 100 times harder. But then again, what did he expect? This was U.A. after all. The most prominent heroes went there. Did he really expect the work to be EASY? God, he was such an idiot if he did.

Time flew by, and he tried to concentrate, but there were so many thoughts in his head about villain attacks and hero training and video games and they were all intertwining and mingling and making exams hell. He couldn't even remember what he wrote. "Ten more minutes." Aizawa notified the class of the time remaining. Denki nearly fell out of his chair. TEN MINUTES? But just now we were 20 minutes in! How did time pass so fast? He was barely done with the first half! He looked around, checking to see if the others were as shocked as he was, but to his dismay, most people were finished, and checking through their work for mistakes. Kaminari's jaw dropped. He knew that he wasn't exactly the smartest in the class, but was he really that behind? No. SOMEONE had to be flying through the second half and trying not to panic, but he didn't see anyone. Kaminari was the only one. So there was only one thing he could do.

Catch up.

Kirishima looked at him. "Done as well?"

Kaminari tried not to panic. "Yup!" he said, popping the p and giving a thumbs-up. He hoped that his smile would be enough to convince Kirishima that he wasn't only 50% done.

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