Getting the part

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I waited anxiously to hear back from the casting department for the new Hawaii 5-O reboot. I had managed to land an audition for the role of Amber, a mysterious and beautiful woman from New York, who immediately finds herself intrigued by the cute blonde haired, blue eyed detective, in the shiny black Camaro, as she's pumping gas. That was all the details they could give me pertaining to the role I had auditioned for three days ago. Now I was going crazy waiting for my phone to ring. Suddenly the front door opened and startled me. "Hey Alex, what's got you so wound up?" Maddy, my best friend and roommate asked before grinning and answering her own question. "You're waiting on the call that will determine whether or not you'll get to cuddle, make out, and work with Scott Fucking Caan! I understand why the majority of the fans of the show think Alex O'Loughlin is hotter than Scotty, but poor Scotty is so under appreciated. Yeah, he may be a little shorter than most men and yeah, the bouffant may not be the most attractive hairstyle but he's a fucking national treasure and a precious cinnamon roll and he must be protected at all costs." Maddy ranted. "No words spoken have ever been truer. I've always found Danno more attractive than Steve. It occurred to me the other day that Scott Caan and Danny Williams are why my type is longish blonde haired, blue eyed, with a sense of humor and a heart of gold."  I told Maddy just as my phone started ringing. My ringtone was Danny Williams saying "Triple Banana, Bitch!" over and over again. I took a deep breath and answered the phone. "Hi, is this Alex Sutton?" The woman on the other end of the line asked. "This is she." "Well, I am happy to inform you that you have been chosen to play the role of Amber! You should receive an email very shortly, with everything you'll need to know for the first day on set, bright and early tomorrow morning. Scott wanted me to tell you he can't wait to meet you and he just left all excited to meet you tomorrow." I could practically hear her roll her eyes at him over the phone. "Also, the execs would like to know if there are any nicknames you go by that we could use, that way we can avoid the mix ups and confusion that come with having two actors with the same name on set. You'll still be credited as Alex Sutton. That way if somebody yells for Alex, we won't have two people turning around and responding and then we won't have to clarify which one of you we were yelling at, which takes up time we could be utilizing for filming. So do you have a nickname you'd be okay being called on set?" The woman asked me. "What's your name? If you don't mind me asking." I asked her. "I'm Libby Trent. I'm a casting assistant and I also work as a PA when I'm not assisting with casting." I smiled. "Well Libby, I will give you some options. We've got Lex, Sutton, Ally, or my middle name Danyelle with a y instead of an i , you could shorten it to Danny too." I listed off. She wrote something down and then replied, "Well, I think we'll go with Danny, after all this is Hawaii Five O we're talking about." "Sounds good, what time do I need to be on set tomorrow, Libby?" "Call is at 7 O'clock am sharp. However, because it's your first day, we ask that you be here at 6, so you have time to get there, find the parking lot, find your parking spot, and meet Scott who will give you the grand tour and show you to your trailer. I recommend bringing some extra pairs of clothes to keep in there along with your toiletries and shower stuff so that you can shower after scenes where you have to be covered in blood, dirt, mud, or you have a bloody injury, like a gunshot wound or a stab wound or wounds from a bad car accident. I also recommend bringing stuff to do while you aren't shooting and if you don't want to eat what the craft service provides, your own meals and/or snacks." "Awesome! Thanks for the recommendations! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Especially getting the script, so I can find out everything about my character that I wasn't told about in preparation for my audition." I told her. She chuckled. "I think you are going to really love becoming Amber. I'm going to let you in on a secret, we knew we were going to cast you probably about halfway through your audition. We turned to look at each other after you left the room, and the casting director said "That's the one. She's got the part, because none of the other previous auditions can compete with hers and there's no way any of the last few auditions that are left will be better than her audition." She had already decided on you before the auditions were even over." Libby told me. "Seriously?! That's amazing!" I exclaimed. "Okay. We'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning on set. Scott will meet you in the parking lot, he may not even be getting here until the same time you are tomorrow morning. Your assigned parking spot is space number 3. You'll be in the space next to Scott's, there isn't really an order to the spots so the actors parking spaces are all scattered except Alex's, Scott's, and yours. Michelle Borth used to be in 4 when she was on the show and Claire van der Boom is always in 5. Teilor Grubbs gets dropped off by her mom and when she's done shooting for the day, she likes to hang out in Scott's trailer. Um, Ian Anthony Dale is usually in 6 when he's on set. Other than that, everything else you need to know will be in the email. See you tomorrow! Bye!" Libby explained before hanging up. I put my phone down on the table in front of me. I turned and looked at Maddy and squealed and then she started squealing. "I got the part Mads! I got the part!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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