Prologue 0.5

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 7th year-2005

The Great Hall was filled with the laughter of hundreds of students all of whom were chatting and enjoying a few moments where they wouldn't be forced to think about what was currently going outside of the castle. It was dark times for the wizarding world. Of course the loudest of laughter rang from the Gryffindor table, since it contained the most raucous of children, 5 of them sat at that moment coming up with another plan that would get them another week's worth of detention.

Laughing and whispering conspiringly was a boy with messy black hair and hazel eyes that stood out against his brown tanned skin yet were hidden behind circular glasses. He had his arm wrapped around a beautiful tanned girl with ebony locks falling down her back, her emerald green eyes gazed at the boy next to her with an amused glint and a fond smile. In front of them was a boy with perfectly styled dark hair and silver eyes that sparked with perpetual mischief, who had his head falling back as he barked with laughter, "Could you not plan whatever prank it is while some of us are trying to have some peace and quiet," a boy with sandy blonde hair grumbled, his scarred face trained on the book in front of him as he stirred his tea simultaneously, "Oh come one, Moony," the silver eyed boy groaned as he leant his chin atop the scarred boy's shoulder, "This is our last year," the tanned boy nodded, "We have to make every single prank count." The sandy haired boy rolled his eyes looking up from his book as he leaned his head against the ebony haired boy, "Oh please, James," he sighed, "We both know that you're going to get caught by Filch and both of you," he moved his head away and looked down at the boy next to him, "Are going to get another week's worth of detention."

James sighed, "Well then why don't you help us, so that we don't get caught," The scarred boy immediately shook his head, "Absolutely not, this is N.E.W.T.S year, if you need an accomplice take Pete with you." All of them turned to look at the blonde boy who was gazing expectantly and excitedly at them with teary blue eyes, "Wormtail is shit at helping us plan our pranks," James groaned causing Peter to look down at the table yet none of them seemed to notice, "Come on, Remus," Remus looked at him hesitantly, "I'll help,"-"Yes!" the silver eyed boy cheered, "But, only if Annie helps." All of them turned to look at the oblivious girl who was sitting next to James and was laughing with one of her best friends Lily Evans, "What?" she questioned as soon as she sensed their gazes on her, "Remus won't help us unless you help us plan the prank," the silver eyed boy said making Annabeth roll her eyes, "Really Remus." Remus shrugged unapologetically, "We all know that you're the best pranker out of all of us, just remember what you did to Sirius," he said referring to the silver eyed boy who shuddered as he touched his face almost lovingly, "I still can't fathom the fact that I looked like Snivellous for a few hours." James smiled widely as he turned to look at the girl next to him with a loving gaze, "Yes, oh please use your Slytherin cunning ways and your merlin given gadgets to help us prank filch."

Annabeth Laskaris let out a laugh before kissing him softly on the lips, "Sure," she whispered gazing into his soft hazel eyes that brightened, "Ugh," Sirius groaned, "Please don't do that in front of us," Ann scoffed, "Oh please, this is nothing compared to you and Rem," both of the said boys blushed wildly glancing at one another. None noticed the red haired and green eyed girl beside them who stared at the kiss shared between Annabeth and James with jealousy and guilt in her eyes.

But before anyone could speak up there was a blindingly bright light that had all of them standing up, wands at the ready. A boy stepped out from the light, a boy that looked frighteningly like James Potter except with green eyes, a boy that caused James Potter to stagger back as he stared at the mirror image of him. "What the-" he gasped only for the boy to smile sadly at him with teary eyes as more people emerged from behind him. Yet the young boy's head tilted slightly with confusion at the sight of James's arm wrapped around the pretty raven haired girls shoulder. "Hi," he said simply only for Dumbledore to come in front of the group, wand outstretched, "Who are you?" he questioned with hardened eyes, "I promise you, we aren't here to attack you," the boy promised, this didn't seem to have the effect he had wanted as none of the wands had lowered. A bushy haired brunette brushed past him with an eye roll, "We have veritaserum, we can verify our identities," the girl said, Dumbledore nodded his eyes watching them carefully as one by one they all tipped the transparent liquid down their throats.

"State your names," Dumbledore demanded, The brown skinned kept his eyes trained on the boy that looked like a mirror image of him and the redheaded girl, he took in a deep breath, "My name is Harry James Potter," James gasped he immediately squeezed Annabeth's hand that was in his, thinking that it was their son, especially due to the green eyes, "I am the son of James Potter," James smiled wildly he started to walk forward but stopped immediately in horror at the next words uttered by Harry, "And Lily Evans." Time seemed to have stopped for Annabeth  as she turned to look at Harry, "What?" she choked out. She couldn't believe it, she had envisioned her future life with James ever since she had met him, he was the first person to ever welcome her, the first person to worm his way into her heart and here was this boy that looked like the exact replica of him telling her that he had a child with her best friend. "Annie," James went to grasp her hand only for her to rip it away from his hold, "Don't," she snapped, she looked at the confused boy in front of her and took a deep breath, "Well, nothing has happened yet," she sighed, "Maybe something bad happened to me," she knew her past would catch up with her some day, maybe that was what had happened. 

She smiled shakily turning back to look at James and Lily yet stopped seeing their guilt-ridden faces and she knew, "This has already happened hasn't it," she choked out, "Oh my god," she gasped stumbling, blinking wildly as James stepped forward, "Step back," she snapped, she knew that she had to keep her emotions in check, she had been taught her entire life to keep her emotions in check but she couldn't help it, this was her first heartbreak. "I am so sorry, Annabeth," James whispered, "It was just one night, we were both drunk, it didn't mean anything," he tried to justify yet she refused to look at him, all of his friends stared at him with confused frowns, they had seen him be completely in love with the girl and he still had cheated on her, they couldn't believe it.

"Wait you cheated on her?" Harry questioned incredulously, his eyes widened with disbelief at the fact that his existence was because of a mistake made between his father and his mother, "I am so sorry," he exclaimed staring at the heartbroken girl, "It's fine," she replied coldly as she stood back upright, her face void of emotion, her eyes narrowed, her head held up, "Just tell us what you came here for." 

James breathed out, staring at a girl he didn't recognize, "Right," Harry muttered before the rest of them came forward introducing themselves one by one, when they showed the CDs all of the students were in disbelief at the display of magic, they couldn't believe that the tiny insignificant looking disks held the future, 'Well go on, put it on," Annabeth spoke up as they all sat in sofa, McGonagall had transfigured for them, staring at the large TV screen in front of them, "Annie," James whispered, "Can we talk," this time she did turn to look at him, "No."

She spoke clearly and without any hesitation, "I do not need to," she snarled, her eyes were filled with pure rage, "I do not want to nor do I have to," she turned away as the screen turned on, leaving James Potter flabbergasted and Lily Evans filled with fear.

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