// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 //

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hiraeth - part three


       Gohan gasped, stepping behind Y/n and waving his arms around frantically, as if trying to stop Goku. Goku raised his brow at his son, confused by his actions, but Y/n's words made him realize what was wrong.

"Have you met me before?" Y/n asked. Goku gasped, trying to think of an answer, but his mind was drawing a blank.

"Ahh... N-No, but Gohan's told me about you! N-Nice to meet you!" Goku held out his hand to Y/n, which she took with a raised brow. The man was acting strange, but Y/n didn't want to seem rude by questioning it.

"Nice to meet you too, sir." She said. She immediately took note of how big and warm his calloused hands were, especially compared to hers. He only held it for a second though, hearing his name being called from one of his friends. Pulling his hand back, he patted her shoulder as he walked past her, joining his friends.

Y/n felt somewhat disappointed that he had pulled away, her hand fit perfectly in his, almost like she was meant to hold it. She stared down at her hand for a moment, before feeling a presence next to her. Her eyes drifted upwards to meet Gohan's, who gave her a smile.

"So, what do you think? He's pretty cool, right? He gets along with everyone." He said. Y/n glanced in Goku's direction, the man currently stuffing his face with food. Y/n crossed her arms before smirking, putting it bluntly to tease the boy.

"I think he's pretty cute, actually. It's disappointing he's married." She said. Gohan's face nearly exploded red, covering his mouth as he tried to hide some of his embarrassment.

"Y/n, that's highly inappropriate!" Gohan said. Y/n simply giggled, looking back over to Goku. Only this time, something caught her by surprise. The two made eye contact, Y/n quickly realizing that Goku had been staring at her now. Goku flashed her a grin, food sticking out between his teeth. Y/n chuckled nervously, giving him a forced smile in return.

"Your dad's a weirdo. Where is all that food going?" She asked. Gohan rubbed the back of his neck nervously, not wanting to mention that he had the same eating habits.

Changing the subject, Gohan urged that they join them before the food was gone, leading her into the large crowd of friends. And just like that, the party had started back up, Y/n staying much later than what had been allowed. However, she wasn't worried at all, as she had been having the time of her life.

Bulma was quite energetic and upbeat, much to Y/n's surprise as she forced her husband Vegeta out on the dance floor. Vegeta mostly stood quietly next to the dancing woman, refusing to embarrass himself.

Gohan tapped Y/n's shoulder, catching her attention as he bent over to her height, grinning at her. "Wanna dance? I'm not very good, but it might be fun."

Y/n blinked, a bit taken off guard. Gohan had been at her side nearly the entire night, despite the fact that his other friend, Videl, was here. Y/n looked around for the girl, spotting her sitting alone in an emptier part of the room, drinking a glass of punch. She looked like she was straight out of a cheesy romance movie, all prettied up with no one to dance with her.

"Why don't you ask Videl? She's been alone all night. She's probably sad." Y/n said, pointing to Videl. Gohan looked over at her, noticing that she did indeed look sad. Sighing, Gohan realized his mistake of not paying attention to his friend.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now