Y/n Rose...
well what can I say his life was hell until one day he was sent to another world and became near unstoppable with his new brother and sisters when finally happy with his life.
(Harem love story)
After the girls confessed their love for Y/n and he was happy and so were they. As he took the girls on dates why they loved. Right now Sapphire and LadyDevimon were walking through Vale with Asuka, Yumi and Asia as today Y/n was feeling under the weather thanks to the human side while his digital side was helping speed up his recovery "I told to check that chicken!" Sapphire said LadyDevimon with an annoyed tone but LadyDevimon just glared and shrugged "I did! I looked fine!" LadyDevimon replied with anger as the two stared at each with lighting coming out their eyes and clashing while Yumi, Asuka and Asia just sighed in annoyance before they saw people crying and getting enraged at a circus which got their all attention as they rushed towards the crowd as Asuka talked to a woman "excuse me miss but what is wrong and why so many people yelling this circus?!" she asked as the women turned to see the group "there's a monster clown in there and turned our children into keychains!" the woman said as she was crying as Sapphire, Yumi, Asuka and Asia were confused until they saw LadyDevimon and quickly figured out what was going on "is it the next dark master?" they asked as nodded which gave them a reason be scared "we need to get Y/n he the only Mega level person that take on the Dark master" Asia said "we can't (everyone turned to Sapphire) when one of us get sick we can't digivolve as we don't have the contraction and it put heavy stress on our bodies so we need to take of Piedmon ourselves" Sapphire said as they nodded as they didn't want to kill their boyfriend "wait their something that I was told by Alex and Max" LadyDevimon getting their attention "since digimon have been spending more time in this world they digimon have adapted and lost their ability to ignore normal attacks meaning blades and physical attacks can touch them but they can still blow away attacks if their strong enough" she explained as which made they have hope and determination as they walked into the circus it was a big open area where they saw a stand with all the children that were turned into keychains "well, well. Look what we have" they looked up to see Piedmon floating in the air before creating a barrier around the circus "where here to take you down" Asuka said while transforming into her Shibori form.
(can't get Yumi transformation sorry.)
As Asia hid somewhere while Piedmon just laughed at them "Celestial Arrow!" Angewomon fired an arrow which Piedmon cut in half with one of his swords "Darkness Wave!" LadyDevimon fired a wave of darkness at Piedmon who dodged "Ninja Art: Dual Slash!" Asuka launched herself forward which Piedmon jumped out of the way as he landed however looked around to see Yumi "Ninja Art: Black Ice" she spun her fan and created a ice pillar and fired which Piedmon grabbed all four swords and and sliced it into pieces before "Trump Sword!" He shouted and threw all four swords at Asuka and Yumi but Ladydevimon and Angewomon took the hit in the chest where they hearts were "Clown Trick!" he then blasted the two away while his swords flew out of them and returned to him and left the girls in a crater that then filled over on top of them as Yumi and Asuka were enraged and entered their strongest forms.
As their blades glowed with power Asia rushed to where Angewomon and LadyDevimon were blasted while Asuka and Yumi rushed at Piedmon who brought out all four swords and let them come to him.
Meanwhile (Sapphire/Angewomon POV)
It was coming out of my chest, Piedmon threw his blade in mine and LadyDevimon hearts and buried under rubble as I turned to see LadyDevimon was getting back up before dropping down again but closer to me as I reached out and grabbed her hand getting her attention "guess this is the end huh?" I said with a smile as I was getting colder but smiled as well "yeah, but at least. We both had someone that loved us right?" she said, which reminded me of our boyfriend "...no" "what?" "I REFUSE TO DIE NOW THAT DATING THE MAN I LOVE!" I shouted as my power increased "your right. FUCK DEATH. FUCK THE AFTER LIFE AND FUCK PIEDMON! LET SHOW WHO'S HE MESSING WITH!" she shouted as her power increased as held hands still but then something happened...
(Yumi POV)
Me and Asuka were able to get some good hits on Piedmon but our ultimate forms drained us while Asia was doing what she could help us Piedmon was standing but was shaking as I slashed off a arm and Asuka a eye "I'll make your death as painfully as possible!" he said in anger as me and Asuka smirked however a beam of light where Angewomon and LadyDevimon were something was happening.
(just the transformation)
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"They digivolved together to become..." "MASTEMON!" Mastemon spoke with both voices of LadyDevimon and Angewomon as Piedmon rushed at her when his blade connected with her it shattered into pieces before she smacked him away "HOLY DESIRE!" she said as she fired arrows of light she fired from her right arm as Piedmon took a few to the chest before he managed to dodged the rest before she raised her left arm and pointed at Piedmon and fired a blast right through his lower half as Yumi, Asuka and Asia were in shock of the power that Mastemon has before she landed next to Piedmon who laid on the floor as everyone else gather around as he then smile "you have beaten me (cough) but against my last alley (cough) (cough) is even stronger so good luck" he said before he stopped breathing and changed in black particles afterwards all the children returned to normal and the barrier fell as the parents charged in and met up with parents before Mastemon glowed before Angewomon and LadyDevimon appeared "you two were amazing I didn't know you could combined?!" Asuka said with joy "agreed" Yumi added with Asia nodding "neither did we. it just out of pure luck we did it" Angewomon said with LadyDevimon nodded with agreement after everyone thanked them and even getting attack by the news stations and questioned the girls got the medicine they needed and got back to Beacon where in Y/n Dorm room who was laying in bed with Rias, Ruby, Hinata, Ochako and Ino but when the door opened they saw the girls and gave Y/n the medicine he needed before they explained everything "...wait you two did what?!" he questioned in shocked which turned to joy along everyone else as they knew that could hurt the dark masters since they have been in the human world long enough but Y/n was happy that Angewomon and LadyDevimon combined together and took care of a dark master however he then realized one thing and got him serious "meaning their one more left and I have feeling...